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"Dream, c'mon!" Sapnap exclaimed, "I owe you this!"

Dream crossed his arms and shook his head. After less than a day of traveling, Sapnap and George managed to persuade him into staying at a town inn.

Sapnap was currently trying to get Dream to "party" at a local pub. The so called party was just a bunch of drunkards sluggishly dancing in the dim lighting. Everyone was human here and the stench of them was a smell Dream disliked.

Sapnap crossed his arms, mimicking Dream. He put on a faux scowl and taunted, "Can Dreamy not handle a little alcohol?" When Dream said nothing Sapnap sighed. "You're taking me to Karl, the least I can do is get you to have a little fun."

If Sapnap could feel Dream's glare from under his hood, he didn't say.

"I'll have a drink."

Dream's eyes snapped to George at the prince's statement. George smirked. "I'm not afraid of a little alcohol."

"Do what you please," Dream muttered, "but don't drink too much, we have to get up early tomorrow."

Needless to say, Sapnap and George didn't listen.


Dream was sitting at an empty booth, an untouched cup of beer on the table in front of him. The strum of the fiddle pulsed throughout the room; the band just started a new song. Dream sighed and slipped a hand under his hood to rub his temples.

Sapnap and George were off doing god knows what and Dream had been patiently waiting for the two to tire of the music and dancing.

Hours later, when the sun had long past set, the two were drunk out of their minds and still going at it. Dream leaned back in his seat and raised an eyebrow at the two mortals stumbling around.

George looked at Dream for the first time in hours and stumbled over, dragging Sapnap with him. They plopped into the booth seat across from him with stupid grins on their faces.

"Dreeeaam," Sapnap slurred, "why are you so boring?"

George nodded, his head bobbing drunkenly. Dream scoffed and replied, "I'm not boring, I just prefer a more conservative lifestyle."

"Boring," Sapnap muttered. "You haven't even touched your drink."

"Human alcohol has little to no effect on me," Dream said with a narrowed gaze, "besides, this stuff is disgusting as hell."

A woman, who Dream recognized as one of the workers of the bar, glared at him. Dream rolled his eyes and looked back to his friends― no, not friends― something else. Dream didn't have a word for it.

George chimed in, "You can still dance without a drink."

Dream chuckled. "I will not be dancing."

George crossed his arms in a pout and stuck his tongue out. Sapnap seemed to snap out of a trance and he got up, saying, "Later losers, I still have room for another drink."

Sapnap hoisted himself out of his seat and stumbled back to the bar counter. Dream sighed and looked back to George, who was drawing patterns on the table. The prince's head snapped up and he placed his chin on his hand, tilting his head to study Dream.

They sat wordlessly for a moment before George mumbled, "Can you pull your hood back?"


George's eyes narrowed. "Why not?"

"Because there are people everywhere and I know for a fact that Fae ears would draw attention."

"Oh," George said quietly and looked down, "I just... I like being able to see you, instead of some hooded shadow."

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