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Dream woke up sometime after dawn, unsurprised to see George asleep.

He blinked as his eyes adjusted, slowly waking up. George was curled up less than an arm's length away. Sunlight drifted onto the floor of the cave, illuminating the brunet's face. His eyelashes rested on his cheekbones gently and his mouth was parted, relaxed in his state of sleep.

George's arm was reached towards Dream, his fingers barely brushing the ends of Dream's hair. Dream smiled softly and looked towards Sapnap, who was watching Dream quietly.

Sapnap gave him a small smile before turning to look at the cave entrance and saying quietly, "He was up most of the night..." he trailed off and glanced at Dream.

Dream nodded, his eye catching on a small piece of fabric laying on the bandages on his chest. He picked up the cloth gently, his face softening once he realized what it was. A bracelet, crafted from the remaining fabric of his cloak.

He blinked back tears at the effort George had put into it. Neat braids tied off at the end, long enough to fit around Dream's wrist. His eyes clothes, remembering the giver of his cloak― Fundy.

Dream reopened his eyes and struggled to tie the bracelet to his left wrist. Sapnap walked over and quietly tied it around Dream's wrist.

"Thank you," Dream whispered.

Sapnap nodded and sat back down across from him. He said quietly, looking back to the cave entrance, "I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, I don't know exactly when, but it was late... and over the fire I could hear him."

Sapnap looked to George and smiled softly, "He was singing, I couldn't hear him clearly, but I opened my eyes to find him humming and running his hands through your hair." Sapnap's eyes darted to Dream's as he said, "I watched him spend hours making that bracelet. He would start over if he thought it wasn't good enough and when it finally was... I've never seen someone so happy. He fell asleep moments later."

Dream opened his mouth, but no words could come out.

"The way he looks at you..." Sapnap whispered, looking away, "it makes me miss Karl."

Dream closed his eyes and held back his tears of gratitude and guilt. Sapnap would never see Karl again and he didn't have a clue.

George woke up less than an hour later. He yawned, cutting off when he saw Dream's wrist. And although Dream wasn't looking at him, he could sense George's smile.

Sapnap greeted George and offered him some leftover goat meat. George took it, his eyes darting back to Dream and a small smile never leaving his face.

"Where's my mask?" Dream asked suddenly.

The smile faded from George's face as he cleared his throat and looked at Sapnap. Sapnap cringed and said, "It... broke."

"It broke?"

Sapnap and George nodded. Sapnap reached behind him and pulled out Dream's mask, holding up two separate pieces and wincing. He said, "It was cracked over half way after the dragon thing knocked you against the wall... when you said we could remove it, we didn't know where the buckle thing was. So we just snapped it the rest of the way to get it off you."

Sapnap handed Dream the mask and Dream blinked, studying the broken mask. It had been his signature ever since he started working for Technoblade and now it was gone. Dream couldn't bring himself to feel sad about losing it, he had always hated it and used it only for some anonymity.

But now he would have no anonymity. His mask was broken clean in half and his cloak... Dream's eyes drifted to the dark green fabric on his wrist before quickly looking up and saying, "Good riddance."

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