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Dream decided to take a break from walking to rest.

He shrugged the man off his shoulder, propping him against a tree. Dream gathered some sticks and kindling, starting a fire.

The night sky peeked through the dense forest branches providing little light. Dream cast a curious glance towards the man across from him. The raven haired man was still unconscious, Dream influencing his unconscious thoughts. Dream didn't allow the man to dream, instead he gave the man a blank mind to sleep to.

Dream sighed and sat down, leaning against a tree. He closed his eyes, still awake, but resting. A twig snapped from nearby and Dream reopened them. He grumbled at the interruption and tilted his head towards the noise.

The prince from a few nights prior stumbled from behind a tree, holding a bag tightly. He grinned sheepishly and sat down near the fire, not saying a word.

Dream sighed again and gritted out, "What the fuck do you think you are doing here?"

The prince flinched at the harsh words and muttered, "I want to come with you."

"Well, you can't," Dream stated, "you're not welcome where I'm going... besides, don't you have princely duties to attend to?"

The brown-haired man shrugged, "I ran away, I didn't like being a prince. I want to travel the world."

"Go find someone else to be your guide."

"I'd rather go with you."

"Do you know who I am?" Dream asked, growing frustrated.

"No," the prince replied, rummaging through his bag and pulling out an apple, "but you haven't killed me yet, so... here I am."

Dream blinked, watching as the man took a bite of his apple. The soft firelight danced across the prince's features, making his eyes look startlingly inhuman. One blue and the other brown, two eyes blinked curiously. Dream realized that this prince was not human which was... contrary to his previous beliefs.

Dream leaned forward and muttered, "What are you?"

The prince froze. He quickly shrugged it off and said, "A prince, duh. What are you?"

"You already know what I am."

"Meh... not really." The prince drawled, "Who are you then?"

Dream paused at the hubris in his voice. He tilted his head and replied, "You don't think I will kill you."

The man shrugged and took another bite of his apple. "Do it, I dare you."

Dream grinned at the challenge, but he made no move. Instead he said, "I think you should leave."

"I think I should stay."

Dream snorted, and pulled out a dagger from his boot. "Don't make me use this."

"Oh please," the prince scoffed, rolling his eyes, "not another threat."

Dream's jaw dropped at the utter sass in his voice. He sheathed his dagger and leaned back, curiously studying the man. The prince didn't grin at his unspoken victory, instead, he tossed his apple core into the woods and returned Dream's stare.

"I'm George," he said with a head tilt.


George blinked, a grin tugging on the corner of his mouth. He asked, "What's your name?"

"Guess," Dream challenged, annoyance lacing his voice.

George crossed his arms and analyzed Dream, studying the masked man in front of him. He muttered, "Hmm, let's see. You're Fae, mysterious, skilled..." Dream smirked as the prince fed his ego. George grinned and added, "... bitter, mean, and just plain grumpy."

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