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"You heard me," Techno replied, his voice unwavering, "kill him."

Dream looked at Karl with wide eyes and looked at Sapnap, who hadn't torn his eyes from Karl. Dream couldn't move, he couldn't kill his friend's lover.

His eyes snapped back to Technoblade when the god ordered, "Kill him, Dream."

"I—" Dream stopped, trying to swallow the fear that was climbing up his throat.

Techno leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. His eyes sparkled with curiosity and a little confusion when Dream didn't do as he ordered. "Huh," he commented, "have you gone soft, Dream? Last time you were here, you would've killed him with no hesitation... yet here you are, hesitating. Why's that?"

The god sighed when Dream didn't reply and rubbed his fingers against his temples. "You're angering me, Dream. Just kill him, it's not that hard."

Dream opened his mouth, but no words came out. His eyes couldn't leave Karl's face. Karl was looking at Sapnap desperately, his eyes full of longing and love. Did Dream look at George like that?

Techno stood up abruptly, his eyes full of anger. He jerked his chin to some guard somewhere and before Dream could react, George was being torn away from his side. Dream's head whipped towards him and George cried out when his arms were yanked behind him. His wrists were encased in handcuffs and the guard pulled him over to Technoblade.

Dream was frozen, absolutely terrified. He couldn't show any reaction. He couldn't show Techno how much he cared for George, so he just swallowed and watched, a pit growing in his stomach.

The guard pulled George next to Karl and shoved him on his knees, holding him up harshly by his hair. Dream's nostrils flared, seething anger seeping through his core. George was terrified, his eyes wide as he looked at Dream.

"What are you doing?" Dream asked stiffly.

Techno gave him a bored sigh. "I'm giving you a choice. You can pick either one to kill."

Dream looked between George and Karl. He knew who he'd pick without hesitating, but he couldn't kill Karl. Sapnap would hate him forever and Dream promised him that he would reunite them.

Dream's eyes slid to Technoblade and he gritted his teeth. "No."

Techno's red eyes darkened. "What did you just say to me?"

"I said no."

Techno approached him furiously and slapped him, the blow causing Dream's head to whip to the side. Dream stumbled, his head turning back to the god with a stubborn glare.

"Say it again," Technoblade seethed.

"No," Dream hissed, earning a blow to his stomach.

There was a noise from behind Techno and the god looked over curiously. George— the source of the sound— had wide eyes, watching in fear and anger. While Techno's back was turned, Dream gave George a desperate look to stay quiet.

Technoblade turned back to Dream and pushed his shoulders down so that he was on his knees. Techno yanked Dream's chin up and spat, "When have I ever taught you to disobey me?"

Dream's lips thinned and he said nothing, holding his ground. Techno's eyes sparked in pure rage. His hand whipped out, slapping Dream to the side. Dream put his hands out to stop his head from smashing into the polished floor.

The tile was so clean, he could see his reflection. But before he could recognize it, Techno was yanking him back up to his knees by his wrist. Techno held his wrist in a deathly tight grip and repeated, "When have I ever taught you to disobey me?"

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