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Late that night, everyone was asleep. Everyone but Dream.

His ears picked up the deep breathing of the three mortals and the chirp of the crickets. The fire had gone out long ago and the quiet chill of the wind ruffled Dream's hair.

He turned the blade over in his palm, inspecting it. Even in the dark night, the scarlet jewel seemed to shine. It had this unearthly glow about it, one that sent a shiver down Dream's spine. A bush rustled nearby and Dream hid the dagger immediately. He unsheathed his sword and walked to the source of the noise.

His eyes locked with those of a familiar brown haired friend and Dream sighed, sheathing his sword. He asked, "Ant? What are you doing here?"

Ant, who was currently in his human form, frowned. His familiar leather necklace sat at the base of his neck, a small red gem tied to it. Dream realized for the first time that it was something of sentimental value to the shapeshifter. Ant said, "You know why I'm here, Dream."

"Yeah, I do." Dream paused before adding, "Why do I have to hurry? Techno usually gives me as much time as needed for missions, why is this one different?"

"I don't know," Ant said evenly, "I just know that he needs you to return within the next two months."

Two months. They had two months to plan. Dream mulled over this and muttered, "Thanks for the message."

Ant stuffed his hands in his pant pockets and shrugged. "It is my job."

Dream hummed in agreement, expecting Ant to leave, but the shapeshifter stood still. Antfrost was a messenger― just like Callahan had been.

"What does Techno hold over you?" Dream asked suddenly.

Ant stiffened, his eyes narrowing, and said nothing. Dream's gaze lowered to the necklace around Ant's neck and commented, "I bet it has something to do with that."

A hand lifted to touch the leather around his neck. Ant rubbed his thumb over the crimson gem absentmindedly, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. He met Dream's eyes and said, "Techno holds something over everyone who works for him. Debts, objects― even people."

Ant's blue eyes shuttered as he turned away, whispering, "Safe travels."

Dream didn't get a chance to reply, because one moment Antfrost was walking behind a tree and the next he was bounding away in his cat form, the red gem around his neck sparkling under the moonlight.

Without thinking, Dream's fingers were pulled to his wrist, brushing over his bracelet. His head turned to the campsite, where his three friends rested. He walked back slowly, the grass swishing against his boots. As he sat down, Dream wondered how many others Technoblade had power over.

Hours later, it was morning and the three mortals awoke slowly. Their drowsiness wore off when Dream started the day off with, "Alright everyone. We're taking a slight detour."

"Detour?" Sapnap asked, rubbing his eyes.

Dream nodded and pointed east. "Just a week that way is the coast. I have a friend there. I want to get her opinion on the dagger― to make sure that it's the real thing."

"How would she know?" Sapnap muttered.

"She's a pirate captain and has seen many treasures. I know that she's caught up with mythical objects, such as this blood dagger. I bet she could tell us if it's real."

"A pirate?" George asked warily. "Are you sure we can trust a pirate?"

"Of course, she's my friend."


A week later, the group was walking through a busy port. The smell of fish was absolutely abhorrent to Dream's nose and he couldn't help the gag that was stuck in his throat.

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