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Dream's steps were hurried as he left the tunnels, his shoulders relaxing as he took a deep breath of fresh air.

A painful throb coursed through his arm and he inhaled sharply, quickly making his way towards the convenient pool of water nearby. Based on the sun, it was nearing sunset.

He used a dagger to cut through the bloodied cloth on his arm and yanked his gloves off. Dream winced at the bloodied flesh and swore.

Sapnap and George jogged up to catch up to him, freezing at Dream's exposed arm. They paled, but Dream ignored them and started to rinse off his arm, hissing as cold water met hot, torn flesh. Tears stung his eyes at the pain, but he brushed it off. As a Faerie, it would heal eventually. A couple of the teeth points would scar, yes, but it would heal.

George approached him cautiously and whispered, "Let me help you."

"I'm fine," Dream said gruffly.

When George pulled out white cloth from his pack, Dream's shoulders sagged. He sat down and leaned heavily against a large rock, holding his arm out for George. The prince paused at Dream's quick response before crouching and gently grabbing Dream's arm.

George winced at the obvious tooth marks on Dream's arm. Sapnap swore and said, "Nuh-uh, no way, not for me. I'm just gonna go take a piss."

The pyrokinetic quickly left the scene, disgusted at the gore. Dream was too tired to give a shit about his target. He was expelling a lot of energy, his body using it's strength to heal his injury.

George quietly wrapped the first cloth around Dream's arm and Dream inhaled sharply. He looked away and his unhurt hand fisted in his cloak, trying to distract himself.

The prince noticed this and used his own method to distract Dream. "Thank you for saving me," George whispered and Dream shrugged it off. George commented from out of nowhere, "You have nice hands."

Dream's head snapped to George and he rasped, "What?"

George jerked his chin towards Dream's hands, now gloveless. His lips tugged in a smile as he worked, wrapping the cloth around Dream's arm. He said more loudly this time, "I said you have nice hands, I've never seen them before."

Dream blinked and opened his hand, flexing his fingers as he studied them. His gaze turned to watch George's own hands, which were deftly bandaging his arm. The prince's fingers worked with ease, clearly familiar with this type of thing.

When George finished, Dream stretched his arm, wincing at the pain, but marveling at the way he could still use his arm. He asked, "Where did you learn how to do this?"

George sat down and sighed. He ran a hand through his hair and said, "I had to do it all the time, back in my home."

Dream nodded slowly, not missing the underlying meaning. He studied the prince beneath the hood of his cloak and tilted his head back, resting against the rock. His head was starting to get foggy from lack of sleep and exhaustion.

"You can sleep," George whispered, "I'll keep an eye on Sapnap."

Dream mumbled, "It's okay, I don't need to sleep."

George didn't say anything, instead he pulled out some food from the pack and ate quietly. Dream scowled at him, knowing that the prince knew that being quiet would cause Dream to fall asleep. Dream's glare lessened quickly as he fell asleep, his body begging for rest.


"You're a coward, Clay."

He flinched and grabbed his lover's hand, pleading, "It's okay! Trust me, I'll get us out of this."

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