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Dream woke up first, like usual, but this time he woke up extremely close to another.

His cloak was draped over both of them, shielding them from the world. The sun had just started to peek over the horizon, a sliver of the day to come.

Dream yawned quietly and arms around him tightened in response. Over the course of the night, Dream had pulled George close, bringing him to his chest. His chin rested atop George's soft hair. Their legs were tangled together, calf against calf, boot against boot.

Dream pulled his head back to look at George, smiling softly. He turned so that he was on his back, George clinging onto him. As he sat up, Dream made sure to be careful not to wake George.

He sat up fully and looked back to the fire, which had since long burnt out. Sapnap was still sleeping. Dream looked back to George and took off his cloak, placing it on George.

He looked at his hands, unsure of what to do. His eyes snagged on the bracelet around his wrist and he had an idea. Dream took the last scrap of his old cloak from his pocket and started tearing it. He looked from the cloth in his hand to the cloth around his wrist to try and make them match.

After an hour or so of frustrated sighs and quiet curses, he finally did it... he made a matching bracelet.

It was nowhere near as good as George's, but Dream hoped George would like it.

Dream blinked, surprised at himself. Where was this thinking coming from? Dream had never wanted to impress George, so why was he trying now? His eyebrows furrowed as he wondered, What am I doing?

He rubbed his temples, realizing how swiftly his wounds had recovered. Scrapes and some of the more worse bruises remained, but other than that, he was healed. The burns on his bicep and side would take another day or two, though.

I'm lucky to be Fae, Dream thought. He'd never wanted to be anything else― except for when he loved Fundy― that was different. Dream didn't think he'd ever want to be mortal anymore, what was the point? He wanted a long life and that's what he was given.

George and Sapnap were mortal, however. Dream frowned at the thought, twiddling the bracelet in his hands.

He genuinely liked Sapnap. The pyrokinetic was nice, funny, sometimes annoying, but overall, he was a good person― a good friend. Dream didn't want to bring him back to Technoblade, but he was going to anyway. It was his job and he only had ten more years of service. Nothing would stop Dream from getting out of it all, he'd finally be able to be free and find out what happened to his family.

George on the other hand... he was different. Dream was closer with him in their relationship as friends(?). Dream hoped George saw him as a friend, he didn't know what he'd do if George didn't like him, but he had a sneaking suspicion that George did like him.

Dream's eyes drifted to George and he smiled softly. He felt his heart flutter, which was weird. Dream cleared his throat quietly and looked away, glancing back seconds later.

George had this ethereal look about him. With parted lips, long lashes, and pale skin― which had slowly become tan in the many hours they spent under the sun― George looked calm. He looked comfortable and safe under Dream's cloak.

Dream heard Sapnap yawn and he got up, placing the bracelet in George's palm. He hoped it wasn't too little for all that George had done for him.

Dream walked to Sapnap and greeted, "Good morning, Sapnap."

Sapnap looked at him with bleary eyes and grumbled, "Mornin'... where's George?"

"He's sleeping over there," Dream replied with a jab of his thumb in the direction George was as he sat down.

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