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"Dream! Wait! I'm sorry!" George shouted as he ran to catch up with Dream.

Dream pulled on his long-sleeved shirt over his undershirt and fastened his cloak back on, pulling his hood up. He held back tears, inhaling deeply.

'Clay, we have time...'

Dream sighed shakily and approached their camp, spotting Sapnap, who was munching on an apple. Sapnap waved in greeting, but paused when he heard George's frantic voice.

Dream felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a voice say, "Dream, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Get away from me," Dream muttered, shrugging off the hand on his shoulder.

George stepped in front of Dream's path, his eyes frantic and pleading, "Wait, Dream, please... I-I didn't mean it."

Dream pushed past him, his shoulder pushing into George and shoving him out of the way. A hand grabbed his gloved one and Dream whipped around, causing George to jump back. He couldn't muster enough force to be threatening, so he said quietly, "Leave me alone."

George's hand slipped from his, his expression worried and apologetic. "Dream..."

"No, you've said enough," Dream said harshly and walked away.

He heard Sapnap stop George from following. Dream walked and walked, his mind scattered. He swallowed his nerves and climbed the nearest tree, stopping midway up.

Dream pulled back his hood and took off his mask, feeling the gentle wind against his damp cheeks. He wasn't used to crying, he always thought it made him seem weak. Yet, there he was, sitting in a tree, breathing shakily and hands trembling.

He stared into the eyes of his mask and shuddered, turning it over and looking away. He took off his glove and lifted his hand to trace a jagged scar on his face. It ran from over his eyebrow and to his cheek. After he received it, he was blind in the eye for weeks before a skilled enough healer had fixed it. Now he was left with a green eye and a slightly duller green one. Dream's fingers trembled as they ran over the torn flesh.

Yet another thing that reminded him of his lover.

Dream's eyes glided closed at the thought of him, unintentionally falling asleep.


"No!" he pleaded, "not him, anyone but him."

Technoblade shook his head in embarrassment, "I warned you, yet you didn't listen."

A sword was lifted and pointed to his lover's chest. Clay screamed, "No!" He yanked himself from one of Technoblade's men and ran forward.

A sword slashed back at an impossible speed and ripped through the skin of his face. Clay screamed as searing pain flashed through his eye. His hands lifted, coming back bloodied and shaky. His vision was cut off in one of his eyes as he looked up to Technoblade desperately and pleaded, "Please don't do this."

Technoblade sneered, "I told you to do your job, Clay, not to befriend your target."

His shoulders shook from his sobs as Technoblade lifted the sword to his lover's neck. Fundy's cheeks were tearstained as he looked at Clay, whispering his last words, "I love you."

Technoblade laughed as he slit Fundy's throat, dropping him to the ground. Clay screamed, his voice broken and hoarse and his eyes blurry.

"You should've known better than to fall in love with a mortal."


Dream sat up in the tree quickly, his chest rising and falling quickly. Tears stung his eyes as they fell down his cheeks.

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