**3rd person's POV
"Here we go..." [m/n] took a deep breathe and pushed through the large doors of Endeavour's hero agency. The interior was just as intimidating as the exterior, it looked like how you would expect the agency of the number 1 pro hero to look like.
It was classy and huge, with a receptionist in the centre, not a speck of dust or dirt to be seen. There were some side kicks walking around with stacks of papers as well as other people in expensive suits talking on their phones, all busy, and speed walking around there.
[m/n] cleared his throat and walked towards the receptionist, he was only able to get a 'reservation' thanks to U.A. which he was extremely grateful for. If not, he would've never gotten here.
"Um, Hi!" [m/n] walked at the receptionist "I'm [l/n] [m/n] from U.A."
"Ah yes, [l/n]-kun" the receptionist smiled "Endeavour-san will be able to see you now but he's going on patrol in 15 minutes so you better hurry. His office is on the top floor and down the hall" they directed him.
"Thank you!" [m/n] bowed and made his way to the elevator. He rode it to the top floor and was able to easily find Endeavour's office door quite easily.
He took in three deep breathes before he knocked on the door, his stomach did several back flips when he heard Endeavour's deep voice say 'enter'.
He pushed the door open and had to use every ounce of his will power to not gasp and screech at how ridiculously massive his office was. It was even more intimidating than the organised chaos that was going on on the first floor.
The area was as big as [m/n]'s whole house, there was a large rectangular carpet in the centre, a pillar that led up to a balcony, a chandelier, massive windows on the right that let in the sun rays of the early Saturday morning.
Endeavour's desk was placed at the end of the room with a sofa and tables in the centre.
"Are you going to just stand there with your jaw on the floor" Endeavours voice pulled him out of his gawking
[m/n] realised that his mouth was hanging open and he quickly straightened himself up, closed his mouth and sped walk over to Endeavour's desk which took him almost 30 seconds with how large the room is.
"U-Um" [m/n] cleared his throat and lifted his head up to feign confident "My name is [l/n] [m/n] from U.A. high school class 1-A. I would like to work under you for our school's work studies, please!" [m/n] bowed his head at a perfect 90 degrees angle.
He patted himself on the back for not messing up his rehearsed 'speech'
[m/n] slowly lifted his head up his eye wide and shocked like a kicked puppy.
"You're Shoto's classmate, correct?" Endeavour casually moved the conversation on
"Uh— Y-Yes" [m/n] nodded "I mean we're technically more than that now"
"More?" Endeavour raised his eyebrows "are you... dating my son?"
"What?! No! No!" [m/n] frantically shook his head but the expression on Endeavours face told him that the man didn't believe a word from his mouth "we're not like that I swear! I means we're just friends! I already have a boyfrie...!" [m/n] trailed off realising a little too late that maybe telling the number 1 pro hero that information wasn't exactly appropriate.
"I see, you like men" Endeavour nodded his head slowly and [m/n] has never felt more uncomfortable in his life "what's Shoto like at school?" Endeavour's voice was uncharacteristically calm and curious, a huge contrast to his powerful and intimidating tone.

Into The Unknown (Boku no hero academia x male reader)
FanfictionMany things were hidden from him, there was so much he didn't know about his life and so much he didn't bother to question. But that all changed in one night, a night he'll never forget, a night that changed his life... forever. Join [l/n][m/n] in h...