{10} Obstacle race (Edited)

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**3rd person's POV

The U.A. sports festival is in the two weeks. It'll be broadcasted on T.V too. There's no doubt that those who do well will have a much better chance of becoming pro heroes. That's why the students of class 1-A are working hard, with no idea of what challenges they will need to overcome. All that they can do it train hard.

Each student train both in class and outside of class in order to become better. And ever since the incident that went down between [m/n] and [s/s], all the [h/c] hair boy focused on was his training. He couldn't let his emotions and hurt feelings cloud his better judgment. So, everyday he trained hard, to the point where he was overworking himself, he even skipped meals just to train even more. Training would keep his mind off of how fucked up he feels and when ever his step-parents asked him about it he would just throw on a convincing smile and say that he's ok, that he just wants to get the best result, and already ate a lot in school.

For the entire two weeks he never spoke to Bakugou, not even Midoriya. After class he would be the first to leave, he wouldn't talk to any of his classmates unless absolutely necessary. He trained alone, ate alone, did everything by himself. At the end of each day, once he got back home and was done with any extra training he would take long shower watching the blood flow down the drains. He was beginning to get more and more careless with cutting, they got deeper and the cuts went on longer against his skin leaving scars on his arms, inner thighs, wrist, and torso.

After his long showers he would flop down on his bed, letting out soft inaudible whimpers before falling asleep.

However, the day before the sports festival Midoriya managed to corner him after class before he could leave. They were now inside the bathroom, none of the stalls had people and it was just them.

"[n/n]-chan... you don't need to keep ignoring us all the time, you know" Midoriya sounded so hurt and that caused a pang in [m/n]'s chest 

"how could I face any of you when I made such a fool of myself..." [m/n] turned his head away from him and leaned against the sink "everyone probably hates me, they probably think I'm not someone who can still be in U.A., or they might think that I'm just a joke"

"that's not true at all!" Midoriya quickly said "everyone was upset with [s/l/n]-san after what happened, Uraraka told her off and Jiro threatened her and made her delete the pictures"

"the... the pictures?"

"they're gone" Midoriya smiled reassuringly "whatever it was that she had over you, it's all gone" [m/n] remained silent, he pushed himself off of the sink and turned his back to Midoriya

"wow... you guys are really amazing and I'm so thankful I ended up in class A, I couldn't have asked for better classmates" [m/n] turned around and showed Midoriya the little smile on his lips "thank you, but... I'll need some more time, I still feel guilty and I just need to sort out my thoughts. I'll be okay... thank to you and everyone else" with that [m/n] turned around and went back home alone. 

Just like that the two weeks had passed by in the blink of an eye and the morning of the sports festival arrived. That morning [m/n] begrudgingly woke up with dried up tears on his cheeks and he felt like utter shit. oh fuck He went to his bathroom to wash up and get ready for the day. He noticed that one of the deep wounds on his upper arm opened up, so he quickly wrapped it up and took care of it before it bled too much. He was now changing into his uniform and when his shirt was on he noticed that he lost weight again. He wasn't extremely skinny but he could see a very thin outline of a rib or two, if  he squinted. Fuck. He glared at himself in the mirror, he needed to stop skipping meals. He had to buff up and get some muscles back or else he would easily snap like a twig.

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