{3} Promise? (lil bit Edited)

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**[m/n]'s POV

Once I got to the front door of my home I took a deep breathe before going in, because the moment I got in [s/f] and [s/m] engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Oh my God, [m/n] are you ok?" [s/m] asked

"We saw the news, we're so happy you're alive, do you need anything to feel better?" [s/f] asked after

"first... I can't breath" I choked out, then they quickly let me go allowing the air to circulate in my lungs again "and, i'm fine so don't worry, I'm gonna go over to Katsuki's place, I'll be back before dinner"

"oh.. okay, have fun" [s/m] said to me as I made my way up stairs, I opened the door to my room, but someone slammed my door shut before I could go in. Ugh, here we go

"What do you want [s/s]?" I sighed

"Your little stunt at school better not happen again, I was gonna have a study date with Bakugou but he was too busy talking to you and you embarrassed me in front of the whole class when you helped Midoriya and pulled Bakugou out off the class"

"And why should I care?" I rolled my eyes

"Don't fuck with me you little shit. I'm the star of this family... well, your not really part of this family anyways. My parents just pity you, your nothing but an orphan" she chuckled coldly "I'll be the one who makes it to U.A. not you, I'll be the one who'll end up with Bakugou, you're just a pass time for him" she smirked

"If your done, I'm going over to Katsuki's place" I rolled my eyes again and walked into my room slamming the door behind me. Tch, this bitch, I shouldn't let her get to me... I went to the bathroom and washed my face, then I changed into black jeans and a thin [f/c] long sleeved shirt. I quickly and quietly left the house and walked over to Katsuki's place, I made it there in about 10 minutes. I rang the door bell and his mother opened it.

"[l/n]-kun! Hello! Katsuki didn't even tell me you were coming over, I would have made some tea. Come in, come in" she moved to the side allowing me to enter and I slipped off my shoes. "Katsuki! [l/n]-kun is here!"

"Yeah! Yeah! i'm coming!" He yelled

"Don't yell you troublesome child!!" They kept yelling at each other back and forth until Katsuki was standing right in front of me, I will never understand this mother son relationship, but at least I know where he gets it from. "Oh, [l/n]-kun, will you be staying for dinner?"

"No Bakugou-san, i'll be leaving before then" I replied, then she nodded telling us to have fun, then I followed Katsuki to his room. Once we got inside and closed the door I flopped down on his bed and he took a seat on his chair "so... what do you wanna do?"

"Don't care"

"mm, them let's play video games" I stood up and got a game from his drawer "this one" he got up from his chair and helped me set it up and we began playing for an hour. At some point his mom came in with drinks and snacks, they yelled at each other again and then she left. He won a bunch of times, because he just has to be good at everything, but I was still able to win a handful of rounds myself. "Hey, Katsuki"


"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"...do you think I'll make it?... if I apply to U.A?" I said putting down the controller

"What kind of question is that?" He glared hard at me

"Well, just... I dunno if I'll be good enough?"

"If you think you're not good enough then train harder, simple!" I stared laughing "the fuck are you laughing for? Huh!?"

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