{1} Don't look back (Edited)

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Who knew there was so much... so much... That I still don't know. That I still don't understand. So many secrets hidden from me. So much that is unknown to me. Everything went so wrong. Everything is so different now. My world is so different now. Too scared to reach out. Too scared to speak up. I wish someone would have told me it would be like this... I wish someone would have saved them... I wish someone would have done what I was to weak to do...

**3rd person's POV

"Katsuki! Izuku! Where are you??" A four year old [m/n] called out to them, he was running around the neighbourhood looked for them. He eventually bumped into Bakugou and two other boys that were with him. "Katsuki! I was looking for you! Where were you?" [m/n] smiled brightly

"Nowhere, it doesn't concern you anyways" Bakugou said somewhat defensively

"Where's Izuku?" [m/n] asked completely ignoring Bakugou's hostility "we were all supposed to hang out together right?"

"You mean that quirkless Deku?"

"don't say that! where is he?" [m/n] frowned at him, when Bakugou wasn't replying him, he thought that maybe Bakugou did something bad to Midoriya. but he didn't want to believe that. why would Bakugou ever do something to Midoriya, they're friends "Oi... answer me, where is he?" Bakugou simply looked away and puffed out some air. [m/n] pushed past him and ran towards the direction Bakugou came from. He ended up in a playground looking at a beat up Midoriya on the floor "izuku..." [m/n] bent down and helped him up

"Thanks [n/n]-chan"

"Who did this to you!? how could they?"

"...no one, I just feel" Midoriya just looked away but that wasn't fooling [m/n]. he could clearly see the burn marks on his skin and the only person other than him with a fire based is Bakugou.

"Izuku. don't lie to me, who did this to you...?" [m/n] stared intensely into his eyes


"why would he... I'm gonna talk with him and make sure he doesn't try this again. or else I'm gonna be pissed!"

"[n/n]-chan, don't swear!" [m/n] just chuckled in amusement, Midoriya was always such an innocent one. [m/n] helped Midoriya us and dusted him off.

"Come on, I'll help you fix your wounds" [m/n] said determinedly and he dragged the injured boy towards his home. Once they arrived at his home he flung the door open, they took off their shoes and ran past his parent "Hi mama! Hi papa!" Was the only thing they heard from him before he literally just vanished up stairs leaving behind a cloud of dust.

They went into [m/n]'s bedroom, his room was filled with poster of a lot of heroes All Might, Best Jeanist even Endeavor was there, which is worrying. He pulled out a first-aid kit and patched up Midoriya, his skills were pretty impressive for a 4 year old

"wooah~ [n/n]-chan sugoi!, you're really good at this!" Midoriya's eyes were sparkling

"Because of my quirk, I burn myself a lot, so I became really good at treating burn wounds, but what Katsuki did was not ok. I won't let him hurt you again, so tell me if he bothers you and I'll punch him hard." he held up a fist

"Hai!" He smiled, then Midoriya got suffocated as [m/n] engulfed him in a tight bear hug

"I'll walk you home"

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