**3rd Person's POV
"K-Katsuki??" The two stared at each other in bewilderment, of course we both ended up choosing the same pro hero for the internship. I should've seen this coming. Beat Jeanist is the number four hero in all of Japan so it's expected that Bakugou would've gone for him. But that seemed to have completely gone over [m/n]'s head. Thanks a lot fate, this is gonna be the longest week of my life.
"Great, now that your both here, let's begin. Frankly, you both two very separate issues" Best Jeanist began speaking to the two confused looking boys "I watched both of you during the sports festival. You're both very powerful and are even good enough to become sidekicks. However, you each have fatal flaws. You have too much pride in yourself and think your the best" he said as he pointed to Bakugou, then he turned to look at [m/n] who flinched slightly "whereas you, you seem to have none at all" um... ouch "Bakugou, you believe that you are the strongest and put that into practice, not caring about how it looks—you have a ferocious nature." He then turned to look at [m/n] again "[l/n], you're powerful, you have skill, talent, and potential, but you lack focus. Bakugou here has tunnel vision when he fights, he thinks 'I need to win' but you don't seem to have a goal you, so you easily get side tracked and lose focus." [m/n] clenched his fists and looked down at the ground.
"So what? You just choose me to give me lecture!?" Bakugou began taking steps forward but he was suddenly restrained by Best jeanist.
"As a hero I must correct behaviors like yours, Bakugou" Best Jeanist said "Heroes and villains are two sides of the same coin. I'll show those glaring eyes of yours what makes someone a hero. I'm going to teach the both of you how to become exemplary heroes. The way you speak, your appearance, controlling your emotions, enforcing your morals." The pro stared them down "countless things to do in a short period of a week. I will sew all that into your bodies." The pro released his hold on the blonde. He then walked past the two of them towards the door "follow me" the two boys quickly glanced at each other and followed the pro out the door. They were led into the elevator and down two floors, they got out and walked down a long hallway passing several doors.
They stopped in front of a door near the end, Best Jeanist opened the door leading them in to the large bedroom. There was a bed in one corner of the room and one diagonal to it on the opposite end of the room. Next to each bed were drawers for their belongings and next to that was a desk with shelves for any work they wanted to get done. The center was just left empty, no furniture or anything special.
"Uhhh...? What is this?" [m/n] asked as they walked into the shared bedroom.
"As I said before, I watched you both very closely in the sports festival. And during your fight it was obvious that you were both fighting about a grudge or something along those lines." Best Jeanist explained "Pros are very often put in situations where they must work with one another. You will both be working closely together during this week and possibly in the future. So, whatever issue is going on between you two I suggest you clear it up or else this week is going to be disastrous." The two looked a little pale, first of all, they were not even expecting to be with the same pro hero for the internship and now for the entire week they had to share a room. The tension in the air became suffocating. Well, [s/m] did say to get him alone, sit him down and then just talk... I guess this is my chance. "Now, put your stuff down and meet me back in my office quickly" the pro instructed before leaving the two alone in the room.
They both silently picked their own sides of the room, [m/n] took the left side and Bakugou took the right side. They placed their stuff on the bed and left the room, all without uttering a single word to each other. [m/n] slowly trailed behind Bakugou, keeping his head facing forward and forcing himself not to stare at the back of the blonde's head. The elevator ride was dreadful, normally two floors would only feel like a few seconds but to them it wasn't fast enough. They both stood on opposite side of the elevator, keeping to themselves. But they finally arrived back to Best Jeanist office where he had been patiently waiting for them.

Into The Unknown (Boku no hero academia x male reader)
FanfictionMany things were hidden from him, there was so much he didn't know about his life and so much he didn't bother to question. But that all changed in one night, a night he'll never forget, a night that changed his life... forever. Join [l/n][m/n] in h...