{24} Curse my tiny bladder

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**3rd person's POV

The students were woken up the next day at 5:30am for the second day of their training camp. A lot of them had bed hair, were yawning and could barely keep their eyes open.

"Why the hell are we awake before the sun" [m/n] whined as he stretched his arms over his head.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen" Aizawa greeted "Today we will begin you training camp to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyones strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses. It is to prepare you all for the hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute. Proceed careful..." he turned to face the spikey haired blonde "So, Bakugou" he tossed him a ball and Bakugou easily caught it "try throwing that."

"This is from the fitness test..."

"Your previous record from right after you started school was 705.2. Let's see how much you've improved" Bakugou confidently stepped ahead to get ready to throw the ball.

"Hh we're checking progress!" Ashido said excitedly

"Since a lot has happened these past three months, huh?" Sero added "maybe he can throw it up to a kilometre or something now!"

"Do it, Bakugou!"

"Then... here I go" he flung his arms back as he growled "Go to hell!!"

Go to hell...? Both Midoriya and [m/n] had a deadpanned expression on their faces when Bakugou had said that. Not even flinching from the wide blowing on the faces that was caused by the powerful explosion. The blonde had a victorious smirk one his face after he had thrown the ball.

"709.6 meter"

However, that expression dropped to one of shock the moment he heard the score

"Oh... it's less that I thought"

"Its been three months since you started high school" Aizawa said "Through various experiences you all have improved. But that improvement have mainly been on mental and technical levels, with some increase in stamina. As you can see, your quirks themselves have not improved that much. That why we will work on improving your quirks starting today" he suddenly smirked evilly sending a shiver up the students spines "It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying, but try not to actually die..."



So each of the student were split up and were doing their own individual training in order to power up their quirks. Bakugou was to plunge his hands in boiling hot water to open up his sweat glands then release a massive explosions afterwards.

"Damn it!!"

Todoroki was sitting in a tub of water and was alternating between fire and water, and also make the water inside match, so he his body would get used to the cold and he'll learn to control his fire more. Sero was on top of a mountain—screaming—as he continuously shot out his tape to increase the distance, capacity, and strength. Ojiro and Kirishima were sparing with each other, mostly Ojiro slamming Kirishima with his tail so he could strengthen his tail, and Kirishima continuously keeping his hardened state.

"Come at me!"

Kaminari shot his electricity through a large capacity battery to train his body to withstand large amounts of electricity. Koda was standing on top of a hill and was screaming as loud as he could, this was to train his vocals to be louder and reach a larger range. Aoyama kept shooting blast after blast of his navel laser to the sky so that he would be able to handle the stomach ache and increase the range of his laser. Tokoyami was put in a dark cave and was trying to control dark shadow in that wild state.

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