Many things were hidden from him, there was so much he didn't know about his life and so much he didn't bother to question. But that all changed in one night, a night he'll never forget, a night that changed his life... forever.
Join [l/n][m/n] in h...
"Are you in position?" [m/n] heard Sugulite's voice through his ear piece that was small enough to not be easily spotted by anyone.
"Yes." [m/n] nodded. He was wearing old and worn out shorts with a plain [f/c] hoodie that was in the same condition. His wore [f/c] contacts that had microscopic recording technology that would record everything he saw. He also wore a [f/c] wig to also help with hiding his identity. A tracking chip was put on him so they could always keep a tab on where he was.
He was walking down a narrow alley in the run down part of the city that was where criminals and the lower class citizens lived, it was also the area where most of the missing person's reports would come from.
When he turned around a corner he saw two large men walking towards him, one had a cigarette hanging off his lips and was slightly shorter than the other whose hands were in his pockets and a long scar on his right eye. The two locked eyes with [m/n] and he immediately felt his heart jump to his throat.
(Trying so hard not to write a full back story for them because yes, I have fallen for their design)
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"Hey kid" the one with cigarette spoke in a gruff tone "are you lost?"
"Uhh... a little" [m/n] chuckled nervously, trying to come off as defenceless and vulnerable as possible—not that that would be difficult.
The man with the cigarette looked at the other, who had a cold uninterested expression, and smirked a little
"Where are your parents? Maybe we can help you find them"
"Say you live alone." Sugulite instructed
"Actually, I live alone... so I just need help going home"
"Where do you live?"
"24th street" Sugulite's voice came in again
"24th street." [m/n] repeated her words
"Isn't that convenient?" The man chuckled as he elbowed the man beside him who still looked completely unbothered "we're headed near there. Why don't you follow us and we'll make sure you get home"
"R-Really?" [m/n] gulped, cursing himself for stuttering. He had to act like he wasn't suspicious of them "thanks!"
The man grinned, taking another puff of his cigarette before flicking it unto the ground and stepping on it.
"Come on, senpai" the man smirked the other. The two turned around to walk back in the direction they were coming from.
"Tell them your fake name, then ask for theirs."
"I'm Reo, by the way" [m/n] cleared his throat "you guys are?"
"I'm Kris, and this is Ruka-senpai" the man that went by Ruka glared at the other as though scolding him for saying their names but the other just shrugged. "Anyways, we're gonna stop by ours first before taking you home, that cool?" Kris looked back at [m/n] with a smile that left an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, he could still the sinister look in his eyes.