{13} Challenge

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**[m/n]'s POV

The first round of the tournament is over and I was able to make it through along with icy hot, Izuku, Iida, Shiozaki, Kirishima, Tokoyami, and Katsuki. The first battle of the second round just started with icy hot and Izuku going against each other. I wonder how this fight is gonna turn out, once the game starts icy hot is probably gonna start of with an instant attack. So, Izuku will have to somehow defend against the ice. For some reason, this guy doesn't use his fire quirk so that's one less quirk for Izuku to worry about I guess...

Now, how are you going to defend against his ice, Izuku?

"START!" Present Mic yelled and just as I had thought icy hot started of with an instant attack, he sent ice clumps straight towards Izuku. In retaliation, Izuku quickly flicked his fingers and the power just from that flick broke the ice and stopped icy hot's attack. The wind blew all through out the arena and air was freezing. Ugh, I hate the cold... I shivered in my seat "WOW! Midoriya stopped Todoroki's attack!!" The crowd cheered, I looked closer and noticed that his finger was broken and purple. I guess he plans on breaking his fingers one by one... I let out a shaky breathe from the uneasiness I was feeling. Izuku please don't hurt yourself too much.

"[l/n]-kun, are you feeling ok?" Uraraka asked me, I looked at her and smiled

"Yeah, i'm scared that Izuku is going to break himself for this match" she had a look of understanding on her face and replied with a small hum.

Icy hot had sent another wave of large clumps of ice towards Izuku and he negated the attack once again but flicking his finger. Icy hot had an ice wall behind him to keep himself from blowing away due to the wind caused from Izuku's power. Icy hot sent another ice attack, then another and now Izuku had used up all his fingers on his right hand. At that moment icy hot began charging towards Izuku, he made an elevated ice path but Izuku blew it away with a flick of his fingers leaving icy hot in the air. He landed and tried to grab Izuku but he jumped back, however, icy hot sent more ice towards him and caught Izuku's legs in the ice. I thought it'd be game over then but Izuku used his whole left fist, not just one finger, and blew the ice away. The wind pressure was a lot more powerful and almost managed to blow icy hot off the boundary line but he was able to catch himself by making an ice wall behind him.

"w-whoa..." now all of Izuku's fingers are all used up on both hands, this situation really seems like he's screwed. They were glaring each other down before icy hot sent another large wave of ice towards Izuku and to literally everyone's surprise he negated the attack once more. It was so powerful it broke through the several ice walls icy hot kept forming to keep from going out the line and he just barely managed to catch himself before flying out "wh-wha..." I stared wide eyed at the them. Izuku had just double flick with a finger, which made it even a darker bruised colour. He must be insane... his bones are probably shattered. "izuku..." this match was getting hard to watch, you're hurting yourself too much

Icy hot began charging at Izuku again, but this time his movements are slower. Probably because of the frost on his right side now, I guess just like there's a limit to how much heat my body can take there's a limit to how much cold he can take.

As he got close to Izuku, Izuku suddenly lunged forward and punch icy hot right in the gut sending him flying back and also double bruising the rest of his fingers on his right hand. However, icy hot managed to freeze Izuku's left arm before he was sent back.

From then on it kept going back and forth with icy hot sending ice to Izuku and Izuku breaking them with the power from flicking his fingers over and over again. As the match went on I began to get more and more worried for Izuku, those injuries aren't normal. He probably doesn't feel much pain due to the adrenaline but when the match is over he's gonna feel it all at once. If he wins will he even be able to fight the next round? Will recovery girl be able to heal all of that in time? He even use his mouth to flick his thumb to break icy hot's ice. He ran into icy hot head first because he couldn't even punch anymore...

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