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Hello guys! I'm sorry if I got your hopes up thinking that this was a new chapter. I know I never do announcements but this situation called for it. I'll try to keep it concise.

I'll get right to the point, you might have noticed that some chapters have '(edited)' on them. and that's exactly what it is, I'm going back and editing some chapters. BUT chapter 1-3 barely have any changes.

Basically, I thought about it and reread the story and it didn't feel right that [m/n] seemed 'ok' with Bakugou bullying Midoriya. (he was too passive with the situation at times) So I just went back and changed the conversation so that Bakugou isn't that intense with Midoriya and totally got rid of the suicide thing. Bakugou is still a jerk but they have a weird relationship where he insults Midoriya but doesn't beat him up anymore thanks to [m/n]'s constant threats.

Anyways, I think that chapter 9 - 15 will have more noticeable changes. (I changed quite a bit in chapter 9, so the rest of the story will have to flow with it too) It won't change the plot too much, it's pretty much the same idea just a different approach. It's just I was reading the fight scene again and I wasn't so satisfied with it, it wasn't as intense as I initially thought but it seems more realistic now (I had a friend help/judge me about it lol). The previous one was a bit too 2D because it was only really Bakugou and [m/n] talking and it seemed that the others weren't even there. And knowing class A they all aren't really ones to be quiet, especially Midoriya when it comes to his friends. Anyways hope you prefer this version. Please tell me what you think, I really want these stories to be good.

The edits shouldn't take too long, hopefully I will be done with it all by this weekend and immediately get to working on the next chapter.

Ja ne!

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