{48} Dropping Hints

697 35 18

**3rd person's POV

[m/n] scrolled mindlessly through his phone as he rested his head on top of Bakugou's lap and his legs over Midoriya's on the common area couch. The three of them along with the rest of the class all hung around the common area together after a long day of their regularly scheduled classes.

Since the festival was now over things were going back to normal.

"—lots of fans now, [l/n]"

"What?" [m/n] put his phone down at look at Kaminari

"We're talking about how you have a lot of fans now!"


"Yeah, after the festival I noticed a lot of people drooling over you" Kaminari laughed

"Shut up, you're lying" [m/n] rolled his eyes, [m/n] was never the one leaving people breathless or drooling over his looks of all things.

"Come on Bakugou, tell him I'm not" Kaminari pointed at the blonde only to receive a vicious glare in return which of course didn't phase Kaminari.

Before the conversation could carry on, they got a knock on the door drawing all of their attention.

"There're here everyone! Greet them!" Iida exclaimed

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!"

"We've come to lend a paw and help!"

"Coming out of nowhere..."

"Stingingly cute and catlike!"

"Wild, wild, pussycat!

The small hero group had come to visit the students bringing with them a box of treats that they happily accepted and began to idly chat with them.

"Sorry I couldn't protect you to the end back then." Tiger said to Bakugou and [m/n] who were standing side by side

"Don't keep digging up the past" Bakugou grunted

"Don't worry about it" [m/n] smiled

The group couldn't stay for too long as they still had to visit class B, they did stay long enough for Midoriya to thank Kota for the letter and to see his matching red shoes.

"Awww Izuku's got a little fan boy now" [m/n] squealed

And to tell them that they were back in business again but with rag doll working behind a desk since she lost her quirk. They also talked to the students about the upcoming hero rankings in the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart.

They went from being ranking number 32 to 411, they expressed how they were shocked to still be in the three digits despite not doing any hero work. It was clear to them that the people are waiting their return so they couldn't just sit around.

"Your so manly, Wild Wild Pussycats!"

"You're loud..." Kaminari sighed

"So Endeavour is probably gonna officially become the number 1 hero..." [m/n] mumbled, he glanced over at Todoroki who still had an indifferent expression on his face.




[m/n] was lying on Midoriya's bed as the two watched the hero billboard charts airing on Midoriya's laptop. They weren't paying much attention to it though, it just played in the background as they both scrolled through their phones.

"It's kinda weird not having All Might in one of these" [m/n] said

"Yeah, it is" Midoriya agreed "I wonder how Todoroki-kun feels about it, his dad being number one and stuff."

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