{19} Students + Dying = Studying

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**[m/n]'s POV

"Okay, that's it for class" Aizawa-sensei said to the class "there's only one week left until final exams. You're all studying hard right?"

Attempting to...

"I'm sure you already know, but it won't just be written exams, there'll be a practical part too. Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time." Aizawa-sensei explained "That's all." With that he turned around and left. The moment he slide the door shut I dropped my head against the table in despair while Kaminari and Ashido were yelling about how they haven't studied at all. Those two were at the bottom from the grades in our midterm rankings.

"Ughhh, I hate finals..." I was 6th place right after Icy hot. "i need to do better"

Behind me Yaomomo was talking about how she will be able to help Ojiro, Sero, Jiro, Ashido and Kaminari study and pass their test.

"Izuku~" i whined as I dragged my body over to Izuku and draped my arms over him. "how are you so smart~"

"You're smart too though, but you wanna study together?" He offered with an angelic smile "i could help you with any subject you're struggling with"

"Yes please" I nodded. From beside me I felt an aura of anger, I looked beside me to see Katsuki glaring furiously at his table and he was talking with Kirishima about studying together later as well. "Izuku, are you better at math or history?"

"Mmmh... probably history"

"Then can you teach me history?"

"Of course!" He smiled at me and just that smile warmed up my heart.

"Awesome! Thank you~" I smiled back at him then went over to Katsuki's desk where Kirishima was also standing "Yo" I waved at them, Kirishima waved back flashing his toothy grin while Katsuki just grunted "I couldn't help but over hear that you guys are gonna study together, mind if I get in on it too?"

"Of course!"

"I'll beat the knowledge into you!"

"I look forward to it?"

==========Le Quick Time Skip==========

After I had lunch with Katsuki, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari we returned to our classroom to finally finish off the rest of our classes and head back home to either study or train for the finals. It was then that Midoriya delivered the news that the practical exams were going to be against robots like in the entrance exams once Aizawa sensei had left.

"All right!" Kaminari and Ashido cheered

"It'll be easy if it's robots!"

"Yeah, yeah!"

"Izuku, how'd you get this information?" I asked him

"Oh, Kendo-san from class B heard about it from a senpai" he explained

"Class B, I thought they hated us though?"

"No, it's just Monoma-kun" a sweat dropped on the side of his cheeks as he smiled nervously.

"Well, if it's robots it shouldn't be so bad right? And with you power up you're good to go" I playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Yeah" he smiled up at me, that made his cheeks puffier and I reached out to squish it, causing him to giggle. I then went back to my desk to grab my bag, I could still see Kaminari and Ashido still being excited over the fact that the exam will be against robots. Since both of them have a harder time using their quirks against people this was great news for them because they could just go all out with having to worry about killing anybody. I still have worries like that if I'm being honest... I mentally sighed.

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