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Florence's POV

"Orpheus?" I shouted, looking everywhere frantically. "Where is everyone? Why is no one listening today?" I demanded.

I had walked around the castle for quite some time and I couldn't find him. I've tried asking the servants, but they seem to scatter quickly today. As a matter of fact, the castle seemed almost empty. I haven't seen yet one servant nor guard.

"Florence dear!" Mother called out. Her hands flung out as she ran towards me. "Mother, what's happening?" I ask. The pitch in my voice is increasing.

Confusion ran through me. Everyone was scattering around. I didn't know what was happening. Everyone else seemed so busy. Busy enough to ignore me. No. Maybe not confusion, I was feeling. Maybe flustered. I felt flustered. Everyone seemed to know what was happening.

"What are you still doing in the castle?" Mother asked. Her arms wrapped around me and comforted me.

"I-I don't know. I was looking for Orpheus. What's happening?" I managed to get out through hitched breaths. My heart beat sped up.

Something's wrong. I can feel it. There's something here that shouldn't be. Something's lurking around in my dimension.

Everything made me feel on edge. Maybe it was all a joke. I felt left behind as I watched everyone else.

"Listen. I need you to leave and go. Leave Court. I'll send for you when the time is needed. But don't come back. Not now. I need you to go and not turn back, okay? Don't look back." Mother's expression softened. She paused to look at me, her rough, but soft hands caressing my face firmly. "And I love you. I love you incredibly and infinitely, Florence."

"Mother, please. Tell me what's happening! What's come?" I begged, my voice full of desperation. What was she talking about? She only smiled, tenderly kissing my head with tears in her eyes. I didn't know what she was talking about. I had no idea. So with my arms no longer at her side, I swung them around her neck. Holding her tightly.

I intake her scent and I hold her even tighter. Her grip around me tightens and I can't seem to let go of her. But in the end, I do.

I wished I never let go. I never should have. I should have stayed by her side. Days don't pass that I don't feel regret about my choice that day. I should have fought along side her. I was next to rule, and I left my dimension. I have no idea if my mother is even still alive.

My arms were pulled away. And she stood there, watching Matthias drag me away. I was only sixteen. Being dragged away from my court. Watching my mother cry as our distance increased. When we were far enough until she was out of my sight, I heard her sobs break aloud. I wanted to hold her. Ask her what was wrong. Help her. Do anything besides walk away.

But I didn't.

And as Matthias dragged me away, I heard my own sobs. My breath became ragged and I couldn't breathe. My eyes began to sting and my vision became blurred. Everything, in that moment became a blur and all I could coherently remember was Matthais dragging me down to the dungeons where I found Orpheus.

I ran. Faster than I ever could towards him. I lunged for him, pushing my legs to go faster and faster. And he caught me in his arms, embracing my hug. Embracing me. He didn't ask me what was wrong at first. He just held me in his arms as I wept into his shoulders. My face rested in the crook of his neck as his hands rubbed my back, calming me down. As I slowly dropped to my knees, he cushioned my fall, never letting me go.

I wept for so long. But he just kneeled with me, rocking me. And when I finally spoke, he listened. "I don't know what she was talking about. I don't know what's happening. But there's something wrong. Orpheus, we have to go help them. There's something wrong, I can feel it. Something's escaped into my dimension. It's not-it's not safe there anymore. I can feel it trying to take over." I told him through my sobs and ragged breath.

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