Chapter 5

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A/N: i didn't know how to describe the dress, so in case you're wondering, this is it lol

Florence's POV

She woke up, groaning and throwing her forearm onto her eyes as it was too bright in the room for her. Florence's head was aching and a little dizzy. Next to her was Cassian who sat there nonchalantly reading a thick book with his legs crossed and an apple in his hands.

"You're finally awake." He grinned. "Here. Medication for your hangover since we have somewhere to go today." He handed her a glass of water and a small pill.

Florence took it, unsure of what the contents held. She brought the glass close to her nose and smelled it. It smelled like. . . water. Regardless of the kind aura coming from Cassian, she also smelt the pill. Detecting no poison, she took it.

"I hope you didn't think I'd poison you." Cassian stretched out his legs as his head rested on his hands. His head, still deep in his books.

"I'm not sure what to think." Florence mumbled getting up using her elbows. "I just hope I didn't make a fool of myself." She rubbed her temples as she sat the, now half empty, glass of water on her bedside. Florence looked at Cassian for any indication she'd been a fool.

"Oh, don't worry." Cassian softly chuckled. "You only called Illyrians illiterate. And. . . maybe tumbled many times on your way to your room." He shrugged putting down his book so he could see Florence's reaction.

The Goddess only threw herself back onto her pillows, covering her face, as she groaned. "I-" She couldn't form a sentence without condemning herself. "I hope I didn't offend anyone."

"No, don't worry, you were hilarious. I think that might be the joke of the century." Cassian assured her with a small laugh. Though it only made her groan even more out of embarrassment.

"I have to bathe. I'll be out in 15 minutes." Florence muttered, wanting to roll out of bed, but with a witness, she didn't.

Cassian nodded, leaving the Goddess alone in her room. She left her bed and already, the tub was filled with hot water and she submerged into it. Her tense body, relaxing and de-stressing from all her worries. She began to scrub her body, before washing out her hair.

Once she was done, she grabbed a towel, covering herself. She walked towards her closet where she found her clothes from her actual room. A note was found, too.

I thought you'd like to wear your own clothes, my lady.

- Faith

Grateful, Florence smiled at the note.

She took out of the closet a white dress. The top was a white corset laced with golden designs. In the middle of the corset were rubies laced with gold. However, her midriff was revealed except for the gold laces that held the top and bottom together. The sleeves of the top circled around her arm once, leaving long sleeves. The bottom of the dress was a white, sheer material that had two large slits for both of her thighs. Her shoes were tight, thigh-high, high-heels. Also white and laced in gold.

After putting her dress on, she quickly snapped on her jewelry, combed her hair, and walked out of the room. Outside her door was Davina.

"You should have asked me to help you." Davina took Florence's side as they walked down the hall in unison of each other.

Mor's eyes gawked as she muttered. "Well, way to make a first impression at the meeting. How are you supposed to pass as a mortal?"

Florence chuckled. "I hope I'm not offending anyone. Faith brought me back clothes."

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