Chapter 15

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Florence's POV

"I was waiting for when you'd come." His deep, snarly voice echoed throughout the confinement.

It was dark, and cold down here. And empty. The confinement was empty. It held no proof of life ever existing here-except for Koschei.

Koschei sat on a chair with his hands chained from both sides of the room. He looked weary and tired, but he still held his head high and full of arrogance.

"You're pathetic." Florence spat as she closely listened around for any other signs of life.

Nothing. It was just her and him alone, together in the prison.

"I wasn't the one who struck your bargain." Arrogance heard in his tone as he tilted his head. His white, wavy strands of hair falling onto his face, framing it.

Maybe Koschei didn't strike the bargain, but he was a part of it. Had he not agreed to strike the bargain, her life would be so different. She would be happy.

But would she? Had the bargain not been struck, she'd never met Azriel.

"No," Florence shook her head as she coldly laughed. "You just accepted it. But surely you had to have known that once the bargain was gone, I'd find you." She gritted her teeth. "I'd find you and kill you."

"I've lived long enough, had my fair share of fun." Koschei crooned, crossing his arms behind his head as he leaned into his chair.

"And you want me to believe that you did all this, just to die in the end?" Florence scoffed in disbelief.

It'd be foolish to think that he'd give up that easily. But he, too, was Divine. An Old God. Unable to lie.

"No, Goddess of Life and Death," Koschei paused to watch her. "or perhaps should I call you Lady of Death. We both know what little humanity you have left." The Old God clicked his tongue as he grinned widely. "However, you're right. I have a few cards left to play." His grin grew.

"The only cards you have left to play are bargains. So please, entertain me." Florence sneered as she waved her hand and a chair appeared in sight. She took a seat on it.

"You are weak, truly. Humanity makes you weak. But, you seem to want to hold onto yours." He tilted his head. "Let me live, and I'll bargain with you, your humanity."

Florence paused. Her eyes roamed the Old God in his confinement. A smile plastered itself onto her face, widening.

"You fool. There is no bargaining with me. Only one thing can truly bring back my humanity." She said before spitting on him. "And it is not you."

His smile faded. He wiped the spit away from his face before standing up and leaning closer to her. "Farewell," He waved his hands.

Without thinking, she blurted. "Tell me about Orpheus and the bargain."

He lifted his brow at the Goddess, a mischievous glint in his eyes. She could smell the arrogance from him. "Your prophecy." Koschei sits back down again onto his chair, "She who is born in the late year shall dance with life and death, damned. Her damning beginning with her first kill. The one who strives in the darkness of night, holds her fate. Her humanity is held in the hands of who strives in the darkness of nights. Born in the late year, dancing with life and death, is she who is damned.

"You chose your fate when you killed Orpheus." Koschei coldly laughs.

Since she's killed Orpheus, she's only killed more Divine, resulting in her losing some parts of her humanity. She damned herself after killing Orpheus.

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