Chapter 7

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Azriel's POV

Florence had came back different. No longer the reserved, merciful Goddess. No. She came back ruthless. All in a day.

However, not even ruthless describes the way she's been acting these past few days. Azriel's kept his distance from the untamed Goddess. She's been acting strange, moving on impulse. . . She's become just as an Old God was thought to be.

"Fuck, she's right." Rhys muttered, looking down at the map. His facial expression strained as he then rubbed his temples. "We can't wait for Koschei and his force."

Cassian sighed. "And what do the other High Lords think?" Leaning back into his seat as he tossed his head back.

"They've agreed. All, but Beron." Rhys responded.

"Fuck Beron. With Florence's armies. No not armies with her damn legions, Beron's force won't make a difference." Cassian crossed his arms.

"She's keeping something from us." Azriel furrowed his brows. "I've been keeping tabs on her, but she's a Goddess, if I get any closer, she'd know."

Rhysand lifted a brow. "Are you sure? We can't go around accusing our only helpful ally."

"What about Miryam and Drakon?" Cassian added. "Are you unable to find them? Again." He grinned.

"I've given them a notice. However, they're keeping the Cauldron safe, and they need all their forces to do that." Rhys nodded, sighing.

The Cauldron.

"Fuck, I forgot." Azriel mumbled before looking at his brothers. "The Cauldron broke your bargain, why wouldn't it break Florence's?"

"Az, it would break her bargain." Cassian snickered, shaking his head.

"You think she's looking for the Cauldron?" Rhys lifted his head away from the map and towards Azriel.

"I do. But she's a Goddess. If anything, she's found it already. She knows where it is, she knows who has it and she needs it." Az nodded.

"That doesn't make sense. Wouldn't she be free of her bargain then?" Cassian chimed in. His hands rubbing his chin.

A knock on the door. And as it opened, Florence was there.

"Speak of the Devil." Cassian murmured.

"I do have impeccable timing." She smirked at Cassian. "However, I've come to ask Azriel if he's found any sign of Koschei's followers." Her face turned at Azriel with no emotion.

He couldn't explain the pang in his chest. The small pinch of hurt because she could look at him and not smile. Because she didn't have the same look of happiness in her eyes the way she did a few days ago. Because she looked so different from how she did just a few days ago.

However, he returned her gesture, with no emotion. "I haven't."

"A shame. I had more faith in you, Spymaster." She frowned with still no emotion in her eyes, then continued. "However, my Arae have found them. Under the Mountain. They're gathering and there's many."

"Why didn't you tell us you were looking for them?" Cassian asked, lifting his brow.

"Do I need a reason to?" Florence retaliated, crossing her arms and drawing her brows together as she leaned against the door.

Her behavior changed in so little time. It saddened Azriel. Such faith she once gave him in such little time.

Cassian never answered. But Rhys stared at the Goddess before contemplating what to say.

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