Chapter 10

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Florence's POV

Everyone else had left, except Azriel. Though he lingered in the dark, Florence could feel his presence. He was aware she knew that he was still there. He wanted her to know that he was still there, just in case she needed anyone.

She calmed down now. No longer hysterical. Florence was now just staring carelessly at Orpheus' lifeless body. She didn't know what to make of it.

"I just keep hoping he'll come back." Florence sighed as she brushed Orpheus' hair away from his face. "He was horrible, but he had his good moments."

"Everyone does." Azriel muttered, still hidden by shadows.

"You have questions." Florence could smell them. Azriel reeked of curiosity.

"You and Orpheus. What happened?" He came out of the shadows and slowly walked towards Florence.

Florence blinked at the name. His hand was still in hers and she squeezed it. "He was my first, best friend. He showed me many things. And later, he became my lover, of course before he was my bargainer."

Azriel stood beside her. "I realize this. I mean, what happened today?"

"I couldn't stand Night Court. I wanted to go home. I missed my home. And when I arrived, Orpheus was waiting for me, alone in the throne room. Many things were said, demanded, asked, I don't recall if anything was actually even answered." Florence dryly laughed. Her stare never left Orpheus' body.

"And then I gave him an ultimatum, an explanation or war," The Goddess explained.

"That's why he came?" He asked.

Florence nodded.

Azriel leaned down to her, removing her hair from her face. "Did I cause this?"

Florence shrugged. "We had many complications." Her hands were fiddling with Orpheus' knuckles.

He was gone. She couldn't get over it. She was a murderer. She murdered her best friend in a moment of anger. In a moment of fear. But had she just complied, he'd be alive.

"Yes, but-" Azriel stopped himself, unsure of how to word it so he just watched the Goddess.

"You're wondering why he brought up your name." Florence looked at Azriel for the first time and he could see her red, puffy eyes. Her deep frown and her bloodied face. "He thinks I care for you. So much so, one could deem it love."

Azriel blinked and blurted. "But do you?"

Florence laughs dryly at him. "I ask myself the same thing. Maybe I can and will, but it's all with time." She tilted her head, lowering it.

"Why were you foolish?" Azriel glanced down at her red hands.

"I was young and so was Orpheus. We made a promise. One I can never go back on." She breathes. "If he ever died, though at the time, it seemed improbable, I'd never resurrect him. He knew what it cost me. He told me that I was more important than saving him." Florence frowns, her stare now returning back to Orpheus.

She was in love with that Orpheus. The selfless and caring one.

"What does it cost you?" Azriel kneeled beside her.

"A lot." Florence sighed at the thought of her humanity. "I don't think I'll ever be able to let go, Azriel."

He tilted his head to get a better glance at her face. "Nobody ever is, but you must."

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