Chapter 6

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Florence's POV

With her head held high, Florence strutted towards Orpheus. Davina followed closely behind. Eyes peered at them closely as Florence stepped on the dais.

Orpheus slowly took Florence's hand, kissing it as he maintained eye contact with her. "Princess Florence has returned," a crooked grin plastered onto his face.

Ignoring Orpheus, Florence looked towards her Court. Her people. Their gazes in awe of her safe return. "I've returned to rule my Court and my people. I am your next, rightful, sovereign ruler. And I will rule with good will." Her tone was strong, reassuring, and tempting to everyone.

Silence washed them as Florence stared at her people, waiting for a reaction. Orpheus began to slightly chuckle, in an attempt to humiliate her, but Florence spoke again. "I am the recognized successor of the throne. Letting Orpheus rule will ruin the monarchy! He is a usurper, he does not belong on my throne, ruling my people. This Court, this realm thrives because of my existence. Without an heir from me, shall I die unexpectedly, this realm will fall. It will be fated for doom." Her voice roared throughout the room.

"You've been gone for centuries! Generations have passed and waited for you. You are unknown to us. King Orpheus may be a usurper, but you, dear Princess, you are a stranger." A voice from the crowds below shouted.

Florence could feel anger rising from the crowds and from beside her. Davina sneered at them, her cold eyes glared at everyone in the crowds.

"A stranger I may be to you all, but regardless, you are my people. I live to rule this realm, this Court." Florence retaliated.

"We don't want a Princess on the throne! We want Orpheus, Child of Night." Another voice bellowed causing an uproar.

Behind Florence, Orpheus stood. "Your say here is useless. They do not want you on the throne." A hint of daring in his tone as he challenged Florence. A louder commotion came from the crowds as humiliation and hurt drowned Florence.

Her own people did not know her. She's become a legend and they do not want her on the throne ruling. Her powers are useless, subdued. Her powers of killing even Divine and resurrecting them.

The sudden realization hit her. "They do not know." Her soft tone was enough to quiet the crowds.

The realization that Oprheus kept them all in the dark of what happened.

"Know what?" The same random voice from earlier shouted.

Orpheus was speechless, unable to say anything. His face only remained emotionless as he watched every little movement from Florence. His eyes hid fear and she could smell it.

"You call Orpheus, King, but he keeps you in the unknown." Florence's voice bellowed loudly. Her face turning over her shoulder to look at Orpheus. His face remained as before. "Divine cherish their immortality. My powers alone are enough to eliminate all Divine. Orpheus is only Child of Night, yet he does not rule his own Court. No, he rules in mine," If looks could kill, Orpheus' immortality would have gone.

She continued. "He rules in my Court, after bargaining a curse, to put me in a deep slumber. This curse subdues my powers and after a hundred years of my wake, I'm fated to sleep again. Until I am found.

"Your King, cowardly, challenges me after he knowingly cursed me. That is who you wish to rule?" Florence's brow lifted as others watched Orpheus.

"You lie!" Someone accused Florence.

Florence chuckled, shaking her head. "Gods cannot lie."

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