Chapter 13

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Florence's POV

"Give them my apologies and these gifts." Florence nodded as she waved General Zaliki off.

Without disobeying, the General left the room, nodding in silence.

Florence had plans. And whether she liked them or not, it was the only way to avoid more war.

With the Cauldron, you could do anything you've ever dreamed of. Everyone knows that. And after word of the war, many Divine will go after the Cauldron seeking for more power. But Florence wants nothing to do with the Cauldron.

Her bloodline started off as mortal, not Divine. But her ancestors took from the Cauldron, they took more than needed because greed is infinite. In exchange, the Cauldron gave them power. Extreme power. The power of life and death. But the Cauldron left them with only their humanity left. The only humanlike thing they had left was their humanity.

To bring back life into one who was dead and to kill a Divine cost her, her humanity. With her time away, she's already killed many more Divine who have challenged her.

She hid the Cauldron at a very high price.

Koschei would be her last killing and with the small humanity she has left, she planned to save it.

Florence went over the plans once more with her Arae. "The High Lords should be in a meeting now. And while they're busy conversing, we're to go after Koschei. I can't stop any Courts from joining the war, but they won't have a clue it's already begun. We'll head straight for the Continent." She pointed east of Prythian on the map. "We'll kill every last follower. Faebane doesn't affect Arae, so regardless if you're untouched, you should be fine." Florence nodded towards her Arae Generals.

"They won't know we're coming. As far as they know, they're going into war with the High Lords." Florence sighed at the thought of Night Court. She missed it terribly, but she couldn't go back and bestow these problems on them. Not now, when she's figured it all out.

"And what about the Arae left at Under the Mountain?" General Elise asked, her brows furrowing.

"Do not pull them back. We need them there to stall. Send more units their way." Florence rubbed her temples as she leaned down onto the table.

"My lady, we've never questioned anything you've done before, but, this. Are you sure you want to do this?" General Liljia asked. Compassion and worry written on her face.

Did Florence want to do this? No. Not at all. But if it spared more war, then she would.

Florence smiled sadly, softly shaking her head. "I do not want to, but there's no other way."

Her heart broke. It became heavy, like stone and shattered. It sinked deeply into her. Her breathing became labored and tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision.

"Then we'll find another way," Elise compromised. "We'll find another way, my lady. A different way!" She banged her fist into the table.

"There is no other way." Florence shook her head. "I will be uncontrollable. I will be inhumane." Florence inhaled sharply. "This is the only way." She amended, blinking back her tears.

General Liljia gritted her teeth. "No. We'll find another way! We have to. You will not sacrifice yourself. Not today." Her breathing, too, became labored.

Florence tilted her head, her sad smile deepened. "We all know there's not another way. Someone, someday will have to sacrifice this. Let me do it. Let me prevent future wars."

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