Chapter 3

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Azriel's POV

"Nesta told me she found you and Gwyn before you could fuck her." Cassian threw his head back, bellowing a loud laugh. "Gwyn? Out of everyone, Gwyn?" He threw his hand on his friend's shoulder to keep from falling backwards.

Azriel nodded with a look of disdain towards his brother's taunts. "Yes, Gwyn. I like her."

Coming to a quick halt, Cassian's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "You. . . like her? The only time you talk is in the library. I don't know, maybe sometimes during training! Azriel!"

Azriel only rolled his eyes before ignoring Cassian.

Throwing his hands behind his head, Cassian smirked. "So, what was it like?"

"Bastard." Azriel muttered. The images of last night flooding his thoughts. Her soft, full lips. Beautiful, red hair. Smooth body. Beautiful emerald eyes. The thought of her straddling him and riding him all night overtook his mind.

Cassian let out a wicked laugh as the smell of arousal grew. "Now who's in deep shit?" He asked. His roaring laughter filled the empty space of the pit.

Gwyn's words returned to him. Her pleads, whimpers and moans as she moaned for more and- "Then ruin me. Take my heart and ruin it. Shred it, break it, I don't care, just take it."

"A heart. The answer to the riddle is a heart." Azriel blurted. "I am for many who seek me. Many tear me apart, some mend me, and others hold me. But I belong to one person. What am I?" He repeated the riddle. "A heart."

Cassian stared for a second, trying to comprehend everything Azriel just said. As soon as he understood, he taunted Azriel, "Don't forget to thank Gwyn." Cassian winked. His smile widened as he threw an arm around Azriel. "Now, let's go down to the library."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"And you're sure?" Rhys asked Azriel for confirmation.

The Shadowsinger nodded. Rhys only patted his back before they prepared for the flight down. He took a few steps forward before falling down. His wings ready to slow the fall.

Once they landed, the two warriors' positions had changed. They now filled the empty space in the front of the coffin. The coffin was still buried in dust. Azriel took a look around, but the torches had been unlit.

Plus, there wasn't much eye-catching about the cave as it was plain, and most of it was dark and hard to see.

"You've returned, Shadowsinger. Only with two hours left, you may answer right and proceed, or answer wrong and be denied passage." They spoke in sync.

Azriel's shadows coiled around him, only revealing his hazel eyes. The rest of him was covered in dark shadows. "I am for many who seek me. Many tear me apart, some mend me, and others hold me. But I belong to one person." He repeated. "A heart. I am a heart." Azriel answered, some part of him fearing that the answer is wrong.

The warriors unsheathed their swords, not aiming for anyone, but aiming towards the ground. Their swords dragged away vines and leaves as they uncovered written words on the ground.

"The person to awaken Florence will be held highly and will forever be in her grace's favor." Both warriors sheathed their sword, taking out a hidden dagger. As they stepped closer to the coffin, they made a clean cut on their hands. Piercing it as blood rushed out. They squeezed their hand over the coffin, letting the blood drip all over it.

"A blood sacrifice." Cassian muttered in an almost awe tone.

The green eyed warrior took a step away from the coffin and towards Azriel. She took Azriel's hands before making a clean cut and resting it over the coffin. "The founder must contribute blood as a show of good faith." She muttered, watching his blood drip down onto the coffin.

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