Chapter 11

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Azriel's POV

Days have passed since the Goddess' confession to him. Azriel's stuck himself inside his room, conflicted. Her words have bewildered him.

"You make me human."

What does that even mean? Is she not human?

He had plenty of questions to ask, but Florence had yet to return. She'd been silent. Avoiding Azriel's calls. No matter how hard he tried to call out to her, she stayed silent. He didn't even know how her powers reached that far.

She was able to infiltrate his mind, even in another realm. I'm sorry, she had told him after she winnowed him away.

She's avoiding me.

Was he foolish to not quickly reply?

"Az, you can't stay in your room all day." Cassian knocked on his door loudly. "If you're upset over Florence's disappearance, I think it's safe to say, she still plans on coming back." Cassian sighed.

Azriel told nobody about the confession. He let everyone else remain unaware of it all. Everything that happened that night in Florence's realm.

The Shadowsinger groaned before getting out of bed and opening the door. "What?" He barked, a little more rough than he wanted it to be. But Azriel was unsure if he was asking about Florence or whatever Cassian wanted.

"The Goddess has sent us a letter." Cassian shrugged. "It explains her disappearance." He waved the letter in front of Azriel's face as if he was taunting Azriel.

Azriel inhaled deeply, taking in all the information before he shook his head. "I meant, what do you want?" He lied. Cassian was Nesta's mate. And Azriel was courting Gwyn. Florence couldn't be in the picture.

Cassian narrowed his eyes at the Shadowsinger before mischievously grinning. "I'll give you the letter to read yourself." Cassian winked before pausing. "But please come out of your room." He patted Azriel's shoulders, handing him the letter, and leaving the Shadowsinger before he could say anything.

She left him without saying a word, avoided him for days-or so he thought, and now she sends a letter.

Regardless, he opens the letter.

Dear Night Court,

I apologize for my disappearance. I'm okay, truly. I've returned to my Court to claim my throne. I'd have invited you, but there will be many with vengeance in their sight. I may not be able to return for days, but the war cannot wait for me. Once the war begins, General Zaliki will send word to me. Otherwise, do not spend time worrying about me.



That's all she had to say?

Azriel refolded the letter, setting it on his nightstand. Never once did she mention anything about the other night.

Had it meant nothing to her?

No, it had to have meant something because she can't lie.

But why? Why does what she say affect him entirely? Florence and her foolish words. Her ignorant behavior. Her annoying, small grins she'd send him throughout meetings.

Because despite it all, some part of him missed her presence and her jokes.

Gwyn, the dark figures whispered into his ear.

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