Chapter 3

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Hey Guys!  This is the part where the boys actually come in.  Hope you like this chapter!  Please read, vote, comment and share guys! It would be really appreciated!  ENJOY MY LOVELIES!!! <3

“HELP!” I cried, causing the gang to immediately stop what they were doing and slap their hands to my mouth.

The boy stopped in his tracks and took in the situation playing out in front of him. He edged closer very carefully, looking concerned, but I could see the hate in his facial expression as he stepped under the streetlight. He motioned at the gang, pointing his finger at them and brought something up to his mouth. He spoke to whatever was in his hand in a voice that held an authoritative tone. The men suddenly let go of me and to my surprise, actually fled. I watched as the boy jogged up to me. He looked very familiar… I never even had time to utter another word, not even a thank you, because by the time he got to me, I had blacked out.

I hadn’t known how long it had been before I actually came to. Eventually I stirred and my eyelids fluttered until I regained my sight. My first thought was that my surroundings were different. I had passed out under a streetlight on a sidewalk, just out of a dark alley. That was all I remembered. My eyes darted, taking in every little detail of this new place. Very nice furnishings. Cute.

“You’re finally awake,” someone, a male voice noted. His voice… It sounded like someone I knew.

“Are you okay?” he questioned. I still didn’t know where the voice was coming from.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” I replied slowly. I carefully propped myself up on the couch’s arm and noticed I was wearing different clothes. “You changed me?” I asked him. I felt a little violated knowing that I hadn’t dressed myself.

“N-no! Of course not! M-my mum did,” he stammered, obviously embarrassed now. I managed to giggle a little.

“You saved me?” I wondered.

“Yeh,” he replied, finally stepping out from what seemed to be his kitchen. He was holding a glass of milk and his clothes consisted of a white tank top and blue chinos. I instantly knew who he was and had to cover my mouth to keep back a squeal.

“Beau Brooks?!”

He looked shocked that I knew his name. Guess he wasn’t used to being famous yet.

“You… What?! How?!” I stuttered.

“Shh! Please don’t freak out!” he begged. “Can I get you something? Coffee, tea, cookies?” he offered.

“What kind of tea do you have?” I wondered, craving something chocolaty.

“Emm… Mint, cinnamon, chocolatey chai…” he started to list. I cut him off.

“I’ll have chocolatey chai please?”

He pulled one of those sexy half smiles and sauntered back into the kitchen. Beau was tied with Jai in my list of favourites. It went in order from Luke, then Jai and Beau, Daniel and then James.

“FUCK!” I heard from the kitchen. Beau must have burned himself on the tea kettle. He came back into the living room a few minutes later with a red hand. Yup, I had guessed correctly.

“Here’s your tea… Umm…”

“Kiara,” I told him. I decided to joke around a little and make him feel uncomfortable again.

“So, where is your mum? I haven’t seen her since I got up.” My goal was to make it seem like I didn’t believe that his mom re-dressed me.

“She’s at work,” he replied simply.

“Oh. I see,” I answered lamely. Darn.

“You are staying until she gets back home. You do need to thank her for letting you wear her clothes,” he told me. My cheeks turned hot.

“Oh really?!” I challenged, setting my tea cup on their coffee table.

“Yes really!” he growled playfully, getting all up in my face. Our faces were mere centimetres apart and I could feel his breath on my face. I stared into his pale green eyes and regretted it because I immediately got lost in them. I had a habit of staring into someone’s eyes and looking for too long, focusing on the colors and designs.  That’s how the other boys caught us. Beau and I hadn’t even heard them enter. I hadn’t even known how long they stood watching us but it must have been for quite a while because I wasn’t about to break the gaze anytime soon. I was too mesmerized for that, and Beau didn’t seem to want to look away either. The resulting scene looked like we had fallen in love at first sight and we couldn’t take our eyes off of each other. Beau was basically leaning over me and our faces; correction, lips, could’ve touched at any time.

“Beau! What did Gina tell you about bringing in girls she doesn’t know?!” someone shouted, causing Beau to push off me. Dammit!

“Shut up Skip!” Beau countered.

“Make me Brooks!” Skip challenged.

“Stop it! Mum just got a new china tea set! She doesn’t want it broken!” someone else shouted over the two boys, who looked like they were ready to break into a play fight any second.

Oh. My. God! I’m in the same room as the Janoskians! my mind squealed.

“Beau, mum said no sex!”

“Fuck off Jai, it wasn’t what it looked like,” Beau tried to explain.

“Sure, we believe you pretty boy!” Skip, Daniel, said.

“It wasn’t!” I spoke up. I instantly regretted it. All of the boys’ eyes turned to me. “I umm… Beau told me I had to stay until your mum got back,” I motioned to the Brooks twins and then continued. “I was supposed to stay to say a personal thank you to her for letting me wear her clothes.” The boys sniggered. I was only making this worse for both me and Beau. I mouthed an apology to Beau and tried to continue explaining.

“Listen! Beau saved me tonight. I ended up exploring into an alleyway and met up with a gang. Th-they tore my shirt and undid my bra while holding me so I couldn‘t move at all. I have no idea what they did with my pants but Beau scared them away before they could do much else and I blacked out. When I woke up I was here and wearing his mum’s clothes.”

All of the boys’ heads turned to the leader. My hero of the night.

“Yeah that’s right bitches! Saved a damsel in distress!” he joked.

“Accomplishment of your life!” Jai cheered.

I laughed hysterically. They were so cute and hilarious!

“Why were you exploring the streets of Melbourne?” James asked me. “We’ve never seen you around.”

“Melbourne’s huge you bum!” Jai chuckled.

“Jai think about it!”

“I… I’m new around here. Just moved to Glenroy today actually. My mom and I had a fight and I ended up running out on her,” I explained quietly.

“I hope you realise that Beau took you right back to Glenroy,” Skip told me. I turned to look at Beau who shrugged his shoulders.

“Oh well. My mom is probably gone already.”

“Gone where?” James wondered.

“Out. She wanted to go out with her friends. Probably drinking,” I explained in an unemotional tone.

“She can stay with us Beau can’t she?!” Luke begged, jokingly.

“She has to. She has to thank mum. Plus, it doesn’t sound to me like she really wants to be at home anytime soon?” he guessed. I nodded. I felt so bad that I had left without explanation but my mom had hurt my feelings and I was in no mood to forgive her for what she did.

“YAY!” the boys cheered. They were excited I was staying and they didn’t even know me!

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