Chapter 4

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Alrght guys, I hope you like this chapter a lot better.  I know I had a blast writing it!!!!  Enjoy Chapter 4 my lovelies!  It gets better!

“You can be our new best friend!” Luke suggested.

“Which means you can trust us. Would you want to tell us what happened?” James asked.

I may as well start making friends, plus they lived in Glenroy too and internally I was freaking out. I decided I could trust these boys. James in particular.

“Well my story goes like this,” I began. I told them everything, from how I started getting abused by my father as a kid, how he never cared about me and how the abuse got worse as the years progressed. I explained the last fight my mom had with him before we left in a flash. I then proceeded to tell them about the fight my mom and I had before I left. They all nodded their heads in understanding. James had a tear in his eye as I finished and I started to tear as well.

“We’re sorry…” Beau murmured softly.

“See, these Brooks brothers, they kind of grew up without a father.”

“So in a sense we kinda know what it’s like to feel unwanted by your father,” Jai whispered.

What happened next, shocked me. Beau grabbed my hand, lifting me off the couch and hugged me. Each of the boys took their turns enveloping me into their arms.

“We’ll be good friends,” James whispered.

“Thank you,” I whispered softly, choking up again and grasping James’s sweater tighter. I hadn’t been hugged in forever it seemed.  A couple seconds after I let go of James, I heard a clicking on linoleum. I looked down and noticed a cute little shaggy dog by my feet. She jumped up and leaned on my leg with her paws.

“Lala wants to give you a hug too!” Jai chuckled.

“Hi Lala!” I giggled, picking up the little dog and gently squeezing her. “She’s cute!” I gushed.

“No she isn’t! She’s ugly!” Luke cried. I giggled again. “I’m kidding! Lala I’m sorry!” he cried as the dog trotted away.

“So, since it is ten at night, what would you like to do? Umm….”

“Kiara!” I chuckled. They all had the same way of asking for my name. Especially with their nervous ‘umm’.

“Well… I guess I’ll make myself another cup of tea,” I started, shaking my head in amusement as Luke slowly put down the empty mug my tea had been in. That bum drank the rest of it.

“I can make it!” Beau piped up. “I make the best tea anyways!”

“I have to admit Beau, you do make pretty good tea,” I agreed with a smile.

“So,” Skip started, nudging me with his elbow. “Is there anything you’ve ever wanted to do with the Janoskians?” he wondered, emphasizing Janoskians.

“Daniel, I’ve most definitely heard of you guys. In fact, I’ve watched all of your videos probably over fifty times each,” I admitted.

“A fan!” he shouted.

“Yup, that I am!” I repeated. I thought for a couple minutes.

“Remember that Call Me Maybe video montage? We should have like a dance party to a whole bunch of songs and film it. That would be AWESOME!” I shouted.

Daniel looked to Beau, who looked to Luke, who looked to Jai, who looked to James.

“LET’S DO IT!” they chorused.

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