Chapter three: "Zombie girl" and "Student killer"

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Monika POV

I put my med-cit back in my bag. I never really thought something as horrible as this would happen to such a beautiful and innocent girl. I was walking out of the club room until I felt something hit my head. It didn't really hurt but it was unexpected. I take a look at the object that was disrespectfully thrown at my and it was....

A "Coca Cola" can? I shacked it and I could feel something inside. I flipped the can upside down. A folded piece of paper fell out of the can. I picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it. It said "What did you do to the girl?"

As soon as I read this I turned around and saw the bullies. But this time they seemed serious and mad. "If you're asking about Yuri then I-" Before I could even finish my sentence one of the bullies pushed me gains the wall and grabbed my neck attempting to choke me. "Oh you're goddamn right I'm asking about that girl!"

"NOW WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?" He said slapping me with his other hand. "W-why do you- *cough* care so much?"  I was barely able to breathe. Is he actually trying to choke me to death? "Cuz you literally killed you're fucking club member! Don't act like we didn't see her arm bleeding..." He slapped me again but this time even harder leaving a red hand print on my cheek.

"Hachiyou, stop! If you want her to normally explain herself then let her go!"  Said one of the bullies next to him. He then lets go of me as I gasp for air falling down to my knees.  "Okay just explain us what you did to that bitch!" I try not to make eye contact with him but I just can't. I can already feel his dark eyes piercing into my soul. Creepy....

"Well starting off Yuri trued to-" before I could finish that sentence I soon realised that Yuri wouldn't want me talking about her problems so freely. And especially if It's these guys..."Well? Are y'a gonna say somethin' or just day daydream about you're sweet senpai?" Said one of the bullies kicking me. "Well....To her it's a personal problem...b-but I did not kill Yuri! She is still me..."

"Aha! How can we trust a little dip-shit like you? Whatever..." The bully sighs and runs his arm through his brown hair. "Let's get going home! We don't wanna waste our time on a good for nothing piece of crap.." After that all of his other friends follow him. "Who said she was good n the first place?" After one of his friends said that they all started laughing "I know right?" Said one of his friends.

I hear the club door open. It was Yuri! She had a serious face expression as she watched the bully's walk away laughing and saying horrible things about me."Don't listen to t-those freaks!" Yuri lends me her hand incase I need help getting help. "Y-you need help getting u-up?"

"No. I'll be fine!" as I stand up I also pick up my bag and swing it onto my shoulder. "Did t-they h-hurt you o-or anything?" Yuri looked concerned and saw the slightly red handprint on my cheek. "Well...Yeah one of them did slap me two times and one of them kicked me...but i'm pretty fine! Much worse has happened to me anyways!"

I giggle and Yuri starts to laugh a bit too. Sayori, Natsuki and MC exit the club room and Sayori runs up to me. "Hey, Monika! Don't forget to lock the club door of course!" Sayori smiles as her pupils widen in joy. "Well I didn't lock the door since you guys were still in there!"

"Well yeah just reminding you that's all!" Sayori smiles with her teeth blushing softly. "Yeah sure.." I look away from Sayori slightly confused even though I know what's happening. Or do I? Cuz now I don't really know what she wan't from me!

I lock the club door and put the keys back In my school bag. MC goes up to Yuri and takes a glance at her arm. "Hey, Yuri! Umm...does you're arm hurt? Are you okay?"

"W-well now I-I'm alright t-thank you..." Yuri stutters struggling to communicate. Yuri has always had trouble with communicating o other people besides her family. I remember once in lunch time she told me how communication has always been like walking in heels. It's very hard for her and she can barely say a sentence without stuttering. However nobody is perfect so we need to accept a person even if they're blind or autistic.

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