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If you're hoping this story will start with a 'Once upon a time', I'd have to disappoint you. Because that's my sister's beginning. Mine is different. My name is (Y/N). I'm the oldest in the family and the most hard-working. Ever since our father was lost at sea and my little sister, Sofia, was born, I've had to help provide for our family. We own a shoe shop but I work so many different jobs to the point I'm never at home anymore. I'm sure Mum and Sofia forgot I even exist.

At least Mum has. Birthdays? I don't remember my last party or celebration. Mothers day? 'oh, thank you, dear. I'll put this next to Sofia's gift.' You know, the gift that was always better and from the heart. Me in general? 'Later, I need to spend time with Sofia.' It's always Sofia, Sofia, Sofia. (Y/N)? No, I'm fine. I'll do it on my own. I feel invisible. Like I'm just some house decoration. I'm just there. Meanwhile, Sofia is in the spotlight no matter what she does. Advantage of being the youngest.

I've done practically everything to be noticed by my own family but nothing has worked. No matter how hard I work, no matter how tired I am, I'm not even there. But one day I'm suddenly there! I exist! Because Mum got married to King Roland the II. Now I'm a princess along with Sofia. We're actually heading to the castle now. I don't even want to be a princess! What I really want to be is a sorceress. I've always been obsessed with magic ever since I was a child. If anything, I've been trying to work my way to get enough money to afford to go to Hexley Hall.

A school where all great sorcerers and Sorceresses go to learn magic. I've not gotten enough but maybe I can ask the King to go there. We arrived at the castle where we saw King Roland, Princess Amber, and Prince James. The two were twins. Beside them was a steward and someone else. I think he's the royal sorcerer. I'm only guessing because of the purple robe. We stepped out of the carriage and Sofia stood on a platform in a purple gown. Me? I had a (F/C) gown on. It felt wrong to wear something like this.

Some birds flew over and placed a purple tiara on Sofia and a (F/N) tiara on me

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Some birds flew over and placed a purple tiara on Sofia and a (F/N) tiara on me. We were officially princesses. We approached the royal family. We curtsied for them and Sofia said hello to our new siblings. I was just quiet wanting to be away from the crowd. Roland welcomed us to the family while the steward introduced us to the whole kingdom. The sorcerer then stepped forward and said a spell that made... rain? 

"Cedric, I said flowers, not showers," Roland said to him

"Oh. Excuse me, Your Highness. I'm still breaking in my new wand," Cedric said with a British accent.

"That's Cedric, our royal sorcerer. He comes from a long line of royal sorcerers. So, we're stuck with him."

I walked over to him, "Cedric, was it? May I have your wand a moment?"

"Yes, Princess," Cedric said handing it over. 

"Now, I'm no sorceress but I believe you're supposed to do it like this."

I flicked the wand and said the magic words. Rose petals. Wow! I didn't know I could actually do it right. Yes, I've listened to someone do it in the village but I've never actually tried it! Maybe I have what it takes. I looked at Cedric who looked shocked that I managed to do that with ease. I just gave the wand back and did a little bow to him. We then went inside. I stayed in my own world mostly when we saw the throne room. Sofia and I's thrones were placed down ready for us. I don't like all these new arrangements. It's all too... sudden. I was knocked out of my thoughts when someone bumped into me. It was Cedric!

"Child! Watch where you're dawdling," Cedric told Sofia. But, he bumped into me?

Sofia gasped, "Mr. Ceedric!"

"It's Cedric," I corrected

"It's so great to meet a real live sorcerer. That flower trick you did with (Y/N) was A-mazing," Sofia said smiling

"If by amazing, you mean a complete waste of my talents, then, yes, thank you. I should be out slaying dragons, battling ogres. But, no! King Roland has me doing parlor tricks when I should be..." Cedric was cut off when he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

And took me with him on accident! From the looks of things, I was in his workshop. A raven cawed at me when it saw me.

"Wormwood! Be nice to the new princess," Cedric told the raven after he noticed me.

Wormwood calmed down.

"What are you doing here?" Cedric asked me

"you accidentally took me with you, that's why I'm here," I said, "jeez, you're like the others."

I went to leave when Cedric stopped me, "the others? What do you mean?"

"They all treat me like I'm not supposed to exist. And when they finally see me it's always, 'oh! Who are you?' or, 'What are you doing here?' or 'I didn't know you were here!'"

Cedric looked shocked at my rant. I haven't told anyone this. I've tried to but no one would listen. 

"You and I are alike, Princess. I'm just like you because no one sees my true talent. They only notice or remember when I make a mistake. Like with the petals today," Cedric said

"Which I'm sorry if I embarrassed you or anything by fixing it," I said.

"It's alright. But you look like you've never held a want in your life so I was more shocked than anything else."

I then decided to ask something, "Cedric, if you don't mind me asking, will you teach me sorcery? It's just, I want to show I can be better than Sofia and show everyone I'm worth more than they think."

"Hold on, is the Princess jealous of her own little sister?"

"Please, call me (Y/N). But yes, I am. Sofia is such a spoiled brat ever since our Dad was lost at sea. It's always what Sofia wants and all the amazing things she can do! But I'll do more than she's ever done or could do and Mum just waves me off saying it's good or nice not even interested because Sofia has all the attention! Yes, I'm twenty-four but it doesn't mean I'm no longer her daughter!"

"(Y/N), (Y/N), calm down. Very well, I'll teach you sorcery. But you'll have to ask Roland. I'm not doing anything against the King's wishes. Which reminds me, they're usually eating around about now. I'll escort you there."

I let Cedric do that. He knows the castle better than me. I can't wait to start lessons with Cedric if Roland lets me.

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