Chapter Forty-Seven: Home

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(Y/N) had never been happier to be home. Finally, she was away from Tom and with her true love Cedric. In fact, she was on her way to the castle now for a date with Cedric. She had been in the village remembering the old times and remembering how far she's come. 

'I smell that salty breeze blowing through the fjord, I hear those creaky ships as old board meets old board. I breathe in the place I live and wonder what else can I give this home. My home. Wandering through the town with everyone doing all of their stuff, somewhere in my heart, I feel I've not yet done enough for these people I know, this place that I love so. My home. My home.'

(Y/N) whistled happily as she walked through the village. Everyone waved hello to her as she walked past

'I whistle as I walk, a lovely smell of kransekake wafting out of the baker's door. The merchants haggling over fish remind me I have what I wish 'cause I'm not alone anymore.'

(Y/N) walked back to the castle where Cedric had been setting up their date with Sofia and Erik. Cedric only asked for their help because he hadn't been getting a lot of sleep lately. He's been dreaming about the past and it's coming back to haunt him. But it's not the Tom situation, it was back when they tried to take over the kingdom. He can't seem to escape it. (Y/N) then arrived at the castle.

'I'm grateful for this castle and for everything we've got, especially my family. We've all been through a lot. I know how fragile things can be. If I lost them, I'd lose me. They're my ocean, they're my shore. I wanna give them more. They're my home. My home. Bless this happiness we found, bless this good and solid ground. Our home. Our home.'

'Our home. Our home. Our home. Our home. Our home. Our home. Our home.'

'I'm home,' (Y/N) smiled

(Y/N) arrived at where Cedric told her to meet him. He had a picnic set up for them both. He was proud of the work. They shared a quick kiss and (Y/N) couldn't help but notice that Cedric had noticeable bags under his eyes. She asked about them but Cedric just told her they were nothing to worry about. So, she just shrugged it off and they started their picnic.

They mostly talked, ate the food that Cedric made himself, and drank some grape juice. Cedric wanted to try wine but he went against it. They're still the Royal Sorcerer and Sorceress. Drinking and magic don't go together. As they were talking, (Y/N) noticed that Cedric was finding it hard to concentrate on the conversation and was seeming very tired. 

"Do you want to continue this some other time? You look like you haven't slept in a few days," (Y/N) said.

"I'm fine, (Y/N). There's nothing to worry about," Cedric said

"I've heard enough lying for a lifetime. Tell me the truth. What's going on?"

Cedric sighed, "I haven't slept in three days. I keep having dreams about the days when we were both evil and planned to take over the kingdom. It's been haunting me and I can't sleep."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."

"You know I'm scared to share a bed with you. I don't know if it's allowed or not because I've never gotten this far with a relationship."

"And you'll always be afraid until you give it a try."

"I know but I just want these dreams to end," Cedric said, 'Power was all I desired. But all that grew inside me was the darkness I acquired. When I began to fall and I lost the path ahead, thats when your friendship found me and it lifted me instead. Like a phoenix burning bright in the sky. I'll show there's another side to me you can't deny. I may not know what the future holds but hear me when I say that my past does not define me 'cause my past is not today.'

(Y/N) stood up and helped him to his feet. 

"You're not the only one who's going through this. But we need to work together if we want this to end. Just let me help you," (Y/N) said, 'Ambition is what I believed would be the only way to set me free. But when it disappeared and I found myself alone, that's when you came and got me and felt like I was home!'

'Like a phoenix burning bright in the sky, we'll show there's another side to us you can't deny. I may not know what the future holds but hear me when I say that my past does not define me 'cause my past is not today!'

"Now, I think you should get some sleep before you fall asleep. We'll continue the date tomorrow. I promise," (Y/N) said smiling

"I'll try. I'm sorry I ruined our first date," Cedric said

"Ah! None of that. You haven't ruined anything. Now sleep. I'll pack up and I'll see you later."

"Alright. See you later," Cedri smiled.

Cedric left and went to catch up with sleep. (Y/N) used magic to pack up Cedric's picnic and took it inside. Sofia and Erik were watching from a distance and were a little disappointed about what happened but understood that Cedric was very sleep deprived so they let it go. But Erik was disappointed it didn't last longer. He has a girl at school who he really likes but he can't find the right way to confess to her and she's interested in someone else.

Cedric said that he'd help him by telling him to take notes of his and (Y/N)'s date. But obviously that didn't last long enough to get anything. Erik is also scared about the girl he likes, Christine, would ask about the mask he always wears. He wears it to hide a disfigurment he was born with but he hates it because he thinks he looks like a monster and who could possibly love a monster? Well, he did get some proper notes the next day when (Y/N) and Cedric tried their date again but it wasn't enough. Erik gave up. He's never going to confess to Christine. 

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