Chapter Nineteen: Cedric be Good

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Cedric has been out somewhere today while I've been learning a new charm not even Cedric knows how to do. The Patronus Charm. I haven't gotten it right yet. But that can come later. Cedric just came back with a rose that only blooms every 100 years and he's using it to make a power-plucking potion so he can choose any power from Sofia's amulet. Yeah, we need the thing first. Cedric left to go get it. Can't wait to see how well this goes.

Well, he came back with it and Sofia doesn't even know it's gone! He called his mother from the painting and told her what he did. She was so proud. But what power was he going to take? He wanted the power of supreme strength so no one can stop him from taking over. He took his potion and tried to get the cork off but his hands were stuck. What's going on? Winnifred and I helped him get unstuck but spilled the potion on the floor. And his hands were stuck to the floor. 

"Why are my hands so sticky?" Cedric asked

That's when I realized, "Hold on, you put the amulet on?"

"Well, of course, I did. Why?"

"Once you put the amulet on, you're bound by its rules," Winnifred said taking Cedric's book from the desk and reading it, "'For each deed performed, for better or worse, a power is granted, a blessing or curse'."

"The amulet cursed me!" Cedric said trying to detach his hands from the floor.

I tried to help him. But he only flew back onto the mirror behind him and was stuck again. 

"Yes, my dear, with sticky fingers, for stealing  Princess Sofia's amulet, no doubt," Winnifred said.

"I must undo the curse. But how?" Cedric asked.

"'The only way to break the curse is to make up for your bad deed'," Winnifred read, "Well, since you took something from Sofia, maybe you should give something to her."

"Oh, but what? Surely not the amulet!"

"Of course not. You need that to take over the kingdom. Give her something else. Something as important to you as the amulet is to her."

I was trying to pull Cedric off the mirror. But things got worse when I did. Because I didn't know where to pull him from, I had to grab his torso and pull him off. But he just fell on top of me making us tumble until I was on top. And he's stick to me now. This is so embarrassing. Cedric sat us up as he continued to talk to Winnifred.

"But what do I have that the princess could possibly want?" Cedric asked

We heard Sofia giggle in the background. I need to get off Cedric because we're in quite the position. I moved my hands to his chest where I started to try to push him off. As we struggled, Winnifred suggested that we asked Sofia what she could want from him. I want off Cedric. Can we have that arranged? We got unstuck and backed off from each other extremely flustered. Winnifred made a small locket for herself to hide in while we go to Sofia for some unspoken help.

We went to the front of the palace where Sofia was packing up apples. We were ready to go talk to her but Cedric still had a problem, the amulet is out in the open. To save him the bother, I hid it under his bowtie and walked over to Sofia. Sofia tossed him an apple that then got stuck to his hand. While he talked with her, I took the apple from him with some struggle. He asked her what she wanted but she didn't seem to want anything. But then asked to have a flight in his flying machine.

He said no because it was the most precious thing he owns. Sofia understood and moved on. I had to break the news to him. I told him to give it to her and his sticky fingers would be gone. So, he went to fetch it. He came back with it and told Sofia that she could have it. That helped him break the curse and now his hands weren't sticky anymore. That's great and all but how is he supposed to get a power with no potion? Winnifred told him that he would have to get the powers the same way Sofia does; by being good.

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