Chapter Twelve: King for a Day

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Today is one of the rare days I'm actually having breakfast with the rest of the family. I usually eat with Cedric to keep him company but I still need to spend time with family even though I don't want to. James came into the room with wheels on his shoes. He plans to give everyone in the kingdom a pair when he's king. Good thing that isn't going to happen for a long time. Roland tried to explain that being king is more than just having fun. It's being responsible, generous, brave, and polite.

James was confident that he was all of those things but I don't think so. But then Roland had the brilliant idea to make James king for the day while he and Mum go Phenoix watching! Um, how about no! He's ten! Amber argued that James didn't know how to be king and that me or her should be queen first. I don't want to be queen but I do agree with Amber. James isn't mature enough to be king, even if it's for a day. But Roland wanted this to happen. And he asked Baileywick to get Cedric. I decided to do it myself. I made my way there and just told Cedric that Roland needed him. I just wanted to see his reaction. We went to the courtyard.

"You summoned me, your Majesty?" Cedric asked Roland

"Ah, Cedric. James is going to be king for the day," Roland said smiling

"You're putting a boy in charge of the entire kingdom?"

"Yes. And I want you to help him out."

"I have to take orders from Prince James?" 

"Correct. Today, whatever James says goes."

Cedric looked either devastated or worried about that. I can't tell, even with the little squeak he made. Or whimper? Whatever the noise was, it was cute. A servant came over with a crown for James. So, he was officially crowned king for the day. This should be fun. So then, Mum and Roland left after letting Amber come too because she asked. Time to watch everything go wrong while James is King. So we went to the throne room where James was told what the problems were.

A mountain of proclamations needs approval, he needs to pick out a new coat of arms for the Royal Scribes, the castle servants have too much to do and not enough time to do it all, and there's an abandoned house in the village that could fall down any minute. But there is a lot more. That's when Ruby and Jane came over looking tired. And I mean really tired. They explained what the problem was. There is a giant in a nearby cave who is asleep. But that's the problem.

They're snoring really loud which is preventing everyone from getting any sleep. Baileywick added that to the list of things to do. Now James saw that king work wasn't as fun as he thought it would be. In fact, it was harder than he thought it would be. Sofia tried to encourage him by saying that he can solve these problems because he comes up with great ideas. I mean, in a fun way but not in a way to rule the kingdom. But Sofia encouraged him to use them anyway to help solve all these Royal problems.

Do things his way. Well, that's what he started doing which actually worked. But gave no credit to Cedric who made more wheeley shoes for the servants. Just like his father.  And James declared himself the King of Fun. Oh lord. When is today over again? And James made Sofia his Royal Adviser. He needs a parent at this rate. But I'd love to see how James handles the abandoned house and the snoring giant. So, on our way to the village. Cedric almost got away with not going but James told him to follow.

When we arrived, we heard how loud the giant was. And it was really loud. No wonder no one is getting any sleep. James had the brilliant idea to throw a party loud enough to cover up the story. That isn't solving anything. But I hope he has a better idea for the abandoned house. NO! JUST TURN IT INTO A GINGERBREAD HOUSE AND THE POND NEXT TO IT INTO CHOCOLATE MILK! I did it for Cedric since he clearly didn't want to. So then the party started.

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