Chapter Fifty-Two: Margo and Miguel's life

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As Miguel and Margo grew up, they became great friends much like their parents. They were almost inseparable. Of course, they had the problem with how far away they both lived from each other. Margo lived in a kingdom in the clouds while Miguel lived on the ground. But watching them grow up was quite the experience for the four. Miguel was a troublemaker for a long time. He would scare Cedric or (Y/N) in the workshop which would cause things to go wrong.

But they never got mad at him because he was a toddler and didn't understand how delicate handling magic was. But he started to when he went to Hexley Hall to learn magic, he understood that magic could be dangerous if it went wrong so he stopped scaring them. When Miguel was learning to talk, Cedric and (Y/N) made it a competition on who's name they'd say first. Miguel said Cedric's first and bragged about it for weeks. Miguel learned to talk very quickly and even helped Margo to talk because she was struggling.

Well, Miguel was close to a year older than her so that's most likely why. But she learned thanks to Miguel. Margo went to Royal Prep for a while before going to (Y/N)'s school to learn how to make outfits. But Margo had to go back to Royal Prep because she had a coronation coming up to become a princess since her parents didn't make it official for a long time. She was at the castle now with Sofia and Hugo's daughter Vanellope. She was trying to help her prepare for today. 

'This is life after happily ever after. And it's all just as sweet as the stories say. I feel wild, free, as light as can be, and ready to explore with nothing at all standing in my way true, there are certain customs I have to follow,' Margo said

"Curtsy," Vanellope told her

'Several small obligations I can't avoid.'

"Princess? The time."

'A few rules, too - well, more than a few -Commitments by the score Aside from all that, though, I'm overjoyed.'

"This way, Princess," Vanellope led her somewhere

 'And sure, there are corsets and buckles and bows Plus all those names to recall,' Margo met someone Vanellope led her to, "Jane? Right."

"Ethel," They corrected

'Still, I can hardly complain, I suppose -This is happily ever after, after all,' Margo said

"That's enough. I'll take it from here," Vanellope said, "How you holding up?"

"Busy. But busy is good."

"I'm glad you think so, Margo, 'cause this welcoming ceremony is just the beginning. Tomorrow's the festival, followed by the royal banquet, and that's all before the actual coronation on Sunday. Oh, come on, really? Look, Margo, I know this princess thing is new to you, but you've got to at least try to act the part."

"Trust me, Vanellope, I know how important this is to my dad."

Hugo was with Greylock discussing things. He was the new captain in Asgard since his older brother was heir to the throne in his kingdom. 

"As you've requested, Your Majesty, we've doubled security on both the main gates and the south towers," Hugo said

"Good. We have guests from all over the world. I want them to know that they are safe. Everything for my little girl's coronation weekend must be absolutely perfect," Greylock said smiling

Margo came into the room, "Hi, Dad."

'And now that, at last, you are here in my arms I won't permit you to fall I must protect you from all the world's harms We'll live happily ever after, after all,' Greylock said smiling, "Now, as princess, you are not only representing yourself and the family but all of Asgard."

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