Chapter Thirty-Nine: Defying Gravity

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(Y/N) met her family inside with Tom sitting on his throne. (Y/N) was on her throne feeling fatigue. The walking stick she was seen with wasn't for show most of the time. This worried Cedric a lot. It wasn't like (Y/N) to be tired. He once caught her in his tower singing at the window very late at night. She claimed she couldn't sleep and went to his tower because it had a better view than her room. So she's been known to stay up late yet still have enough energy for their lessons in the morning.

Cedric knew something wasn't right if she's resorted to a stick to walk with if she's feeling too tired. After being shown their temporary rooms, Cedric looked for (Y/N) who had disappeared. She had been following Madisyn. Cedric wasn't the only person who had a bad feeling about Asgard. (Y/N) knew something was wrong the moment she arrived. She just needs to catch Madisyn saying something about this place to confirm her suspicions. And she got what she wanted. Madisyn explained everything knowing (Y/N) was there yet did nothing to mention that. 

'When the early morning hours have come and gone, through the misty morning showers I greet the dawn. For when its light has hit the ground, there's lots of treasures to be found underneath the lovely Asgardian sky. Though the lamps I'm turning down, please don't feel blue, for in this part of Asgard town the light shines through. Don't believe the things you've read, you never know what's up ahead underneath the lovely Asgardian sky.'

'Have a pot of tea, mend your broken cup. There's a different point of view awaiting you if you would just look up. I know. Yesterday you had to borrow from your chums. Seems the promise of tomorrow never comes but since you dreamed the night away, tomorrow's here, it's called today. So count your blessings you're a lucky guy for you're underneath the lovely Asgardian sky.'

'Listen. Soon this slump will disappear, it won't be long. Sooner than you think you'll hear some bright new song. So hold on tight to those you love and maybe soon from up above you'll be blessed so keep on looking high while you're underneath the lovely Asgardian sky! Lovely Asgardian sky.'

Asgard wasn't like how it was in stories. It was different. But (Y/N) couldn't tell what it was. Cedric found her and asked again what was wrong and not to lie.

"Cedric, I don't know. I've been feeling like this for weeks and Tom says I'm fine and it's just me trying to adjust to Asgard. But I don't believe him," (Y/N) said

"Me either. But I want to make this moment last before Tom catches us. Where's your wand?" Cedric asked.

(Y/N) took it from her walking stick, "I never go anywhere without it. What's your plan?"

"We're going to do some magic just like old times," Cedric smiled.

(Y/N) couldn't say no to that. She missed doing magic with Cedric. So, while they were away from Tom, they did just that and had fun. But their fun didn't last. Because Tom had found them and took her wand from her. He wasn't happy that she broke the rules again. He dragged them both to the throne room where her family was too. Tom yelled at them both for breaking the one rule that would have them both banished if the people of Asgard had caught them.

But (Y/N) was at her breaking point with him and lashed out at him for scolding her again for doing magic in secret and making more and more rules for her to follow which made her someone else. Tom, trying to keep whatever composer he had left for in front of the royal family, tried to calmly explain that (Y/N) wasn't in the right state of mind and told her to stop and get some rest. But (Y/N) refused to. She had lost it with him. But he made her stop and scolded her again.

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