Chapter Seven: The Baker King

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So I've had to cancel my lessons with Cedric again. Why? Because I've been asked to be the leader of the Buttercup group. The Buttercups are a little club where girls can learn new skills, explore the outdoors and earn badges. I was once a Buttercup but I'm not anymore because I got older and learned all I need to know. I had to take them on a hike in the forest. But Roland was concerned for our safety and told us to take Baileywick.

But he only ruined the whole trip and prevented Sofia from getting her last badge so she can get her sunflower pin. And just as Baileywick gave her a chance to do something herself, he accidentally picked up some poisonous flowers that made him turn red, itch, and his face swole up. So we ended the trip early and took him back to the castle with thanks from Sofia. So, I gave everyone their flower pins, and Sofia her last badge, and everyone was happy. We even made Baileywick a Buttercup leader.

A few days after that, Sofia was chosen to sing the Enchancia Anthem. But she bragged to her friends about it and her amulet cursed her to croak like a frog. She obviously came to Cedric hoping he would fix the problem. But he just failed at convincing her to hand over the amulet. And she broke the curse. Luck is not on our side at all! Then our other Aunt, Aunt Tilly, came to visit. She dragged me along to get apples for her famous apple pie.

It was fun but not an adventure I'd like to go on again. But today is the day of the villager's ball. But something was wrong. I woke up in the village, sharing a room with Sofia, Amber, and James! Sofia and Amber woke up also confused. But then Amber started freaking out because she saw there were no dresses and no tiaras. And she screamed at the top of her lungs. Roland and mum ran in. Then we worked out that we were in the village because we could see the castle from here.

There was then a knock at the door. Roland tried to make Baileywick answer it but he isn't here. So I just quickly and got dressed and went downstairs myself. Wait, we're at the bakery! I used to work here as a delivery person. I'd bring bread and things to the locals. I opened the door for our customer.

"Uh, hello?" I said

"Morning, everyone. Two loaves of bread, please, (Y/N)," The man said smiling.

"Excuse me?" Roland asked coming downstairs

"Two loaves of bread," the man said smiling.

"Why are you asking (Y/N)?"

"Because she's one of the bakers. You're the other baker."

"No, I'm the king."

The man just laughed and I'm not going to write the rest of this embarrassing moment. I gathered quite clearly that we had somehow replaced the baker and his family. So I just gave the man his bread and left. Mum came downstairs.

"What's going on?" Mum asked

"Why would that man think you're a baker, Daddy?" Amber asked.

"I have no idea," Roland said.

Sofia gasped, "I think I do! Yesterday, at the castle, Dad wished he was a baker."

"I did?" Roland asked, "You're right, Sofia. I did!"

"Well, it looks like your wish came true. But how?" I asked

"I didn't know. Maybe some kind of magic spell was cast on us," Roland said

"Maybe Cedric messed up one of his spells again," James said

"No. I was with Cedric all night... and I fell asleep during one of his lessons," I said a little embarrassed, " But maybe he can undo all this."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Amber asked, "let's get back to the castle and undo the spell before someone asks us to... bake something!"

"Wait. This spell might not be such a bad thing," Roland said, "I mean, we could look at it as a vacation."

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