Chapter One: Becoming evil

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So, at dinner, both Sofia and I were confused. Why is there so much cutlery? There are six forks and six knives here! What happened to just using one set? Sofia picked all the forks up wondering which one she had to use. Her guess is as good as mine.

"Sofia. (Y/N)," Roland said

Sofia threw the cutlery everywhere in surprise. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" Sofia and I asked.

"Call me Roland. Or 'You! With the crown!' Or...Dad?" Well, that was weird, "It's a tradition to provide an official welcome to every new member of the royal family. For your mother, it was the wedding. But for you two, we will be throwing a royal ball in your honor at week's end."

I faceplanted on the table. A party? I don't like parties! I haven't even been to one since I was about sixteen! And, of course, I need to share it with Sofia. I'm not going. I'll stay with Cedric for all I care. No one will notice. And I am never calling Roland 'dad'. He's not my dad. And he never will be.

"Brilliant!" James said with a mouthful of chicken.

"James, manners," The steward, Baileywick, said

"Sorry," James swallowed his food.

"A ball? Just for me?" Sofia asked. Way to exclude me.

"Father, why didn't I get a ball?" Amber asked

"You did, Amber. When you and your brother were born," Roland said

"You don't remember?" James asked

"Sofia, (Y/N), it will be your royal debuts. And you and I shall dance the first waltz," Roland said smiling.

Okay, I'll side with Sofia on the fact that WE CAN'T DANCE! We have never done a formal dance like the Waltz in our lives! And he expects us to know by the end of the week? No! Not happening.

"Oh, Rollie. You're so sweet," Mum said. Ew, that name

"We have to dance?" I asked

"Why, what better way to let everyone in the tri-kingdom area know that Princess Sofia and Princess (Y/N) have arrived!" Roland said smiling.

Sofia just gave an unsure smile. Oh yeah, I have ask to be Cedric's apprentice.

"Roland, if you don't mind me asking, can I become Cedric's apprentice?" I asked, "I'll still be a Princess when I need to be but I've always dreamed of being a sorceress."

"Are you sure you want Cedric to be your teacher? He's not exactly good at it himself," Roland said.

"Well, think about it, if I learn a few things, I can help Cedric too. He will be better and you won't have to be so embarrassed by him. it will be a win-win."

Roland thought about it, "Alright. You can be his apprentice if you teach him magic too."

I didn't want to do that to Cedric but how else was I support to convince Roland. So, after being shown my massive room! I went to Cedric and told him that I got permission and what I had to tell Roland to convince him. Cedric didn't appreciate it but understood why I did it. He then conjured me a new outfit. It was a dark red/brown short dress with black tights, brown boots that went halfway up my leg, a little holster for my wand, and a black cloak.

But I choose not to wear that. He gave me a spare wand to use. I look great. It's better than my gown anyway. But, before we started, Cedric offered to show me around the castle. Well, I need to know where I'm going so I said yes. He showed me around. Only for us to bump into Sofia! And Cedric dropped his wand.

"Ooh. Sorry, Mr. Ceedric," Sofia said curtsying.

"Cedric. Why can't you..." Cedric went to pick up his wand but he saw something on Sofia, "Your amulet."

I looked at what he was seeing. She has a purple amulet.

"Isn't it lovely? The King gave it to me. Well, good night!" Sofia walked away.

"She has the Amulet of Avalor! But not for long..." Cedric said grinning.

"She has the Amulet of what now?" I asked confused

"Come on. I'll show you," He took my hand

We went back to his workshop. He put down a book on his desk.

"Oh, how could I have missed it? After all these years, I can't believe the Amulet of Avalor was right under my nose," He opened the book to show Sofia's amulet, "Yes. Now, all I have to do is pry it from the princess and I'll finally have the power to take over the kingdom!"

Hold on a minute, take over the kingdom? I looked at the book. The Amulet of Avalor. A magical jewel. With each deed performed, for better or worse, a power is granted, a blessing or curse. Is Cedric planning to..? No! But then again, would that be a bad thing?

"You want my sister's amulet to take over the kingdom? Why?" I asked.

"I've been mistreated, humiliated, and ridiculed ever since I became the Royal Sorcerer. I'm going to show them how powerful I can be and I'll teach them a lesson to never insult a sorcerer. But now you know, you'll be telling the king. So go on. Tell him," Cedric said.

"No, I won't," That shocked him, "I'll help you. Only because I want revenge on them for how they've treated me up till now."

"Then I will help you too. We will show them all that we're more than what they believe. And we shall rule together and nobody shall stop us!"

I smirked. Maybe becoming a princess wasn't all that bad after all. I went to my room where I felt great. Finally, I'll have my revenge on all of them for how I was treated. They'll regret ever doing it. And Roland? Oh, he will regret ever taking me in.

'Finally, the moment I was hoping would come. The moment he would realize he chose the wrong one. There isn't any curse I could cast to match this feeling. The pain I knew when Mother turned her back on my heart. At last, will be Sofia's when her life falls apart. Suddenly the future's looking more appealing. Once I was filled with rage, now I'll enjoy the ride. It's so electrifying watching all her dreams denied. Oh, I will fly into tomorrow, my sister full of sorrow finally paying for her sins. I'll smile all the while she is crying, inside she's slowly dying learning wicked always wins!'

'Oh evil may be powerful, but wicked always wins! If mum could see me now she would ache with regret 'cause she'd witness all the glory wickedness gets. She went and made Sofia princess and my blood boil. But that's all history. Time they all understood what they call green with envy, I just call looking good. Oh, I will fly into tomorrow, my sister full of sorrow finally paying for her sins. The strife her life was so enchanted, she took it all for granted. Now she'll dream what could've been. Oh, evil may be powerful but wicked always-'

"Wait, why just revel in her demise when I can use it to my advantage?" I asked myself smirking, 'I'll give her a magic gift to bring the Charmings down. When Sofia stands victorious I'll swoop right into town. When he learns the spells was mine, oh, Roland he will see he should've chosen me. So I will fly into tomorrow delighting in her sorrow as a better day begins. This time nobody's gonna stop me, no evil's gonna taunt me. Oh, wicked always wins! Her happy ending will be mine 'cause wicked always wins.'

(A/N: Thank you to Marchergirl2006 for the song suggestion. It's perfect)

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