Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Birthday Wish

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was happily asleep in my bed when...

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)!"

It was Cedric who woke me up! We've started talking again but we're still a little distant. But he looks excited over this. 

"Cedric, it's a little bit early for shouting," I said sitting up.

"Oh, okay. Then, tell me, is it too early for your birthday breakfast in bed?" Cedric asked smiling and handing me a propeller plum. 

"Is that a propeller plum?"

Cedric hummed a yes, "Your favorite!"

"Thank you Cedric but why all the fuss? It's just a birthday."

"Well, I have a feeling that this birthday is going to be great! And I have another surprise for you," Cedric pulled out his wand

I got out of bed and Cedric conjured a dress on me. It was sorceress robes that were black and purple. I mean, I love it but Roland probably wouldn't approve. Eh, what does it after? It's my birthday and I may as well make the most of it. But then it went south. Cedric tried to hand me the propeller plum but it just flew out of control and hit the robes. Cedric wanted to fix it with magic but I told him not to bother. I mean, it's just a little mishap and the robes are dark anyway so it's barely noticeable.

The rest should go okay. Cedric escorted me to where the party would be. There I saw a cake, balloons with my face on them, party games, pinata's, hats with my face on them and much more. But the balloons popped because one of Sofia's friend brought their pet dragon who had the hiccups. So their fire popped all the balloons. Well, that doesn't matter. We still had the party hats. I think I'm just having a rocky start but the rest will go great.

But then Amber complained that James had stuck his fingers in the cake. Can he seriously not wait? Well, we still have the rest so we're good. James then gave me his present. It was a model of our flying coach. James built it and Cedric enchanted it so it would fly forever. Impressive. James demonstrated but the coach never came back. Oh, I'll catch it later but this birthday hasn't gone well so far. I'm starting to lose hope that it can get better. Mum and Roland then wished me a happy birthday.

And I was right about the whole Roland not approving my robes but let it slide since it was my birthday and my wand is with Cedric. But they both noticed the disaster that happened. I just told them that everything was going wrong and I did tell them that the plum made a stain. It's still hard to see but you know it's there. But we still had things to make this day special. Including the Father-Daughter dance with Roland. I still don't want to dance with him so I asked to dance with Cedric.

He let me have the dance with Cedric. Baileywick let the rest of the guests in and everything started to get better. I mean, everyone was having a good time, even me. But I'm speaking too soon. Because the flying carriage came back with James' dog chasing after it. The dragon knocked over the table with the hats on it, the dog ran into the cake, ruining it and making it fly everywhere, and the carriage was destroyed. Everything was destroyed. Going to get better? I think not.

Cedric then offered that dance to make things better. But there was cake all over the dance floor which Cedric stepped in. There's no saving this. My luck is just awful after Cedric and I tried to take over the kingdom. I just have no luck with anything. Cedric came over offering to fix everything but I told him not to. It won't change the damage that's been caused. I'll still remember it. A while after the disaster, Cedric came over with a bit of cake apologizing for how today went. It's not his fault. As there was a candle on the cake, Cedric told me to make a wish.

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