Chapter Thirty-Five: I love you still

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Cedric looked through the window to see (Y/N) in her wedding dress. She was trying it on because she didn't know how to put it on. But now she was just wondering if she made the right choice. Was saying yes to Tom the right choice when she loved another? She didn't know. Cedric Knocked on the door and (Y/N) let him in.

"Cedric! What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked closing the door.

"I've come to tell you to call off the wedding," Cedric said.

"What? Why?"

"It's Tom. He's a fake. He's trying to use you to get the throne!"

"I don't believe that. He said so himself. He loves me and wants to marry for love."

"(Y/N), you are so clever! How can you miss the obvious?! He doesn't love you. He needs a queen to get the throne and you're perfect for him! Please, call it off before it's too late! Do it for me, at least!"

"You haven't convinced me. Tell me, why should I call off the wedding because you think Tom is bad?"

"Because I love you!"

(Y/N) was quiet when she heard that. It can't be true, can it? If it was, why didn't he say anything before? Cedric knew that wasn't enough so he told her everything he's wanted to tell her from the beginning.

'You look beautiful as always. Never fail to take my breath away. He's a lucky guy to have you. How'd I ever let you slip away? In a completely perfect world, the two have you would not have met. You wouldn't look so radiant there, in your wedding dress but this is not a perfect world, and I know I should not be here. Just have to say one thing, before you disappear again. I love you, still. I've never stopped, who knows if I will. I don't want to see us end so here I am, hoping you'll come home to me again.'

(Y/N) said nothing looked away from him.

'Please say something, say anything at all! I can't handle the silence. Yes, I know that this is not the place or time but I can't bear that I may lose you. If I could turn the hands of time and have a chance to right my wrongs, would have loved you twice as much, held you twice as strong. I should have never let you go the night you walked away, believe. Now that we are here, there's one thing that I need to say. I love you, still. I've never stopped, I don't think that I will. I don't want to see us end. Here I am, hoping you'll come home to me again.'

Cedric went on his knees before her, 'And I'm down here on my knees again begging you not to marry him. If you do I know my heart will break. There is only so much it can take. Come with me, go on, take my hand,' Cedric stood up and took her hand, 'Leave him a note, I'm sure he'll understand! I love you, still. I've never stopped, I know I never will. Please don't let this be our end. Here I am, praying you'll come home with me.'

(Y/N) didn't know what to say or do. So she told him that she had to think about it. Cedric nodded and left her to think about it. He was praying she would make the right choice. But (Y/N) didn't know what to do now. She wanted to go with Cedric but would make her unfateful to the man she promised to marry? She didn't know. This is the first time anyone had proposed to her ever.

But she made a choice. And that was to stay fateful to her future husband and marry Tom. So, the next day, (Y/N) sent Cedric a letter telling him her choice. He was heartbroken to see the answer. But it was her choice, not his. So he has no choice but to accept her answer. Tom was ready for the wedding but he wasn't at the alter yet. He was talking to himself while he still had time to spare. 

'This day is going to be perfect. The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. All those Armor loving boys say I look great in uniform. What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!' Tom said smirking

Cedric was in his tower getting ready too. He was dreading the hours to come. But he still wanted to try and save her from marrying a fake.

'This day was going to be perfect. The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small. But instead of having cake with all my friends to celebrate, my wedding bells may never ring for me at all,' Cedric said looking in the mirror

'I care not a thing about the ring, I won't partake in any cake. Vows, well I'll be lying when I say that through any kind of weather, I'll want us to be together. The truth is I don't care for her at all. No, I do not love the bride for my heart is dead inside but I still want her to be all mine!' Tom said

'We must escape before it's too late; Find a way to save the day. Hope I'll be lying if I say, "I don't fear that I may lose her to one who wants to use her: Not care for, love, and cherish her each day". For I oh-so love the bride, oh, in my heart she does reside. Oh, Princess (Y/N), I'll soon be by your side.'

'Finally, the moment has arrived for me to take a very lucky bride.'

'Oh, the wedding we won't make, she'll end up marrying a fake. Princess (Y/N) will be...'

'...mine, all mine,' Tom said with an evil laugh

Madisyn and Cedric were right. And (Y/N) would never know. tom and (Y/N) were happily married that day with Cedric watching, sad that he's lost her forever. But he has a best man speech to make at the reception tonight. He had nothing planned but he'll need to improvise if he wants to try and get (Y/N) back.

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