Chapter Twenty: Gone with the Wand

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I was reading more about the Patronus charm to try and get it right. Cedric still doesn't know I'm trying to learn it because he claims it's one of the more difficult charms to learn. Well, he's not wrong but I'd like to know it just in case. You never know when you might need it. Meanwhile, Cedric was doing a card trick that would make them into the perfect house of cards. But Sofia knocked on the door making the cards fall. 

"Oh, Merlin's mushrooms!" Cedric said his famous catchphrase

"That's just what I came to see you about," Sofia said walking in, "I won a contest at school, and I've been invited to meet Merlin."

She showed us the invitation. Cedric was quick to take it from her in excitement and read it out loud. 

"'The great wizard Merlin invites you, Princess Sofia of Enchancia, to visit him in his legendary tower of Dragonhold this afternoon,'" Cedric read, "Do you realize what an honor this is?"

"There's more," Sofia said pointing to another line."

"'You may bring up to three guests along with you'!"

"I know Merlin is your hero, so I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather invite than you and (Y/N)."

"Thank you, Princess! This is like a dream come true! I am finally going to meet my idol, the one and only Merlin!"

Cedric adjusted his bow before spinning me in a hug, clearly happy. I swear these spinning hugs are becoming a lot more common. Not that I'm complaining, it's just a shock sometimes. But I love them. And I haven't seen him this happy in I don't know how long. 

"This is going to be the best day of my life!" Cedric said smiling still holding onto me.

But then there was a knock on the door. Cedric's excitement instantly left. And I know why. His sister, Cordelia, and his niece, Calista, had arrived. Cedric had promised to babysit Calista for the day while Cordelia has a day to herself. She did offer for me to come so we could have a girls day but I said no for the simple reason that I'm not one for girls days. Besides, I have to studies my spells and charms and potions if I want to become a real sorceress. This is my first time meeting Calista too. She looks like Cedric.

She had Cordelia make her hair look like Cedric's because he's her favorite uncle. I'm pretty sure he's her only uncle but she is like five so it's best not to argue. And she's calling me her aunt! Yeah, Cedric and I aren't in a relationship so I'm not. But I'll let her call me that since she seems to like calling me that. Cedric then tried to explain to Cordelia about the whole Merlin thing so he can't watch Calista. But Cordelia wouldn't listen and just left. Cedric was sad now. Because Calista is with us, he can't go with Sofia to meet Merlin.

But, the invitation says she can bring three guests. So, we can just take Calista with us. Cedric agreed but Cordelia soon came back. She wanted her planner back. But, we don't have it. Nevermind, Calista stole it because it was red like her robes. That's no excuse to steal it. She gave it back to her mother. She explained that Calista is going through a phase where she's been taking things. It's not really a phase. It's a time where a child is still learning about personal belongings. So, I wouldn't call it a phase.

Just a learning part of a child's life. And Cordelia left again. Calista took the letter from Sofia asking about it. But mostly took it because of the red letters. And this would be one of many times I'd see Cedric be strict with children. He told her to give the letter back in a tone I've never heard from him. I guess he knows when to be strict with children. Especially his own niece. Why am I now curious about how he would be with his own kids? A day I may never see but can dream about.

But Calista agreed to come with us to see Merlin because Cedric is coming too. Cedric didn't want her to due to being very clingy. She's still young. children that age are like that. We just went to Merin's castle with Calista. The doors opened themselves, letting us in. But no Merlin. We just went in and had a look around. Cedric saw how much of a mess his hair was in so he fixed it in a mirror which spoke! We thought it was magic until Merlin popped out of it.

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