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The Lockwood party has dwindled considerably by the time I make it back. I left Danny asleep at home on the couch deciding this wouldn't take me very long. I keep forgetting that I'm here for one thing and one thing only and that one thing is not Damon Salvatore, or his little family crisis. I spot the doppelgänger across the lawn as I grimace debating whether to ask her where the Bennett witch is, considering she is nowhere to be found.

"It's a pretty risky move taking me on, don't you think?" I hone in on Salvatore's voice as an uneasy feeling settles in my gut. Chances are Damon Salvatore is about to do something very stupid that may or may not expose himself and the rest of us to the council. I roll my eyes in disbelief at that thought; the council is full of idiotic people with nothing better to do with their lives than hunt creatures that are far stronger.

"I knew what I was risking when I didn't leave town, but I figured... You're not self-destructive enough to kill the sheriff's ex-husband."

"Damn it!" I groaned making my way across the yard to save Caroline's father.

"Makes you the third person to underestimate me today," I heard Damon growl before I hear silence. I should probably use my vampire speed to get me there quicker, but I just shake the thought from my mind. It's a nice night plus he did torture his own daughter so I think he deserves a couple of minutes to be nibbled on. "Whoo. You know, with all this behavioral modification going on around here, I almost forgot how good blood tastes when it's...Fresh."

"What are you going to do? Kill everybody that discovers your secret?" I'm close enough now to hear Bill without the super hearing.

"No, I'm not going to kill you Bill. I'm just going to find pleasure in perfect little moments like this." Damon answered breathless no doubt making another attempt on Bill's neck.

"Me too!" I smiled cheekily as I walked into the room. "Oh was this invite only?" I asked letting my eyes fall to the blood running down Bill's neck. I narrow my eyes when my senses are flooded with the sweet smell of fresh produce. I can feel the urge to drive my fangs into his neck, but I pushed those feelings down. I'm not a vampire.

"Oh this is interesting," I snap my head up to Damon's amused face. "What is it Alba? Do you think Bill looks as good as he tastes? Because let me tell you, he tastes delicious." He answered in bliss bending his head for round three. I look to Bill who has his eyes squeezed shut tight in stubbornness.

"Tell me something Damon," I said walking over and yanking him away from Bill by his neck. "Do you find joy in getting your ass kicked, by me?" I ask flinging him to the other side of the room. "Because this makes twice today that you and I have gone at it and I'm starting to think it's because you like me so damn much."

"Actually I really just want to kill you," he glared not bothering to make another attempt on me.

"Do it." I taunted holding my hands out, "kill me Damon. Here is your chance." Unsurprisingly, he doesn't waste time zooming over to push me against the wall. I feel his hand squeezing the air out of my body, but that doesn't stop me from staring into his icy blue eyes in challenge.

"You aren't even a little scared, are you?" He asked curiously, his mood swings giving me whip-lash. I narrow my eyes and twitch my head in response. "I should kill you." Damon said talking to himself more than me. I can see the internal war he's having within himself and if it's because of me or something else I have no idea. But from the looks of it, Damon can't kill me, he won't let himself.

"Damon!" He drops me when the doppelgänger's reproving voice rings through the room. "You can't do this anymore, Damon. Not in this town. Not around me." She yelled giving Damon enough time to stop in front of her, his mouth smeared with blood.

"Why not? It's nothing I haven't done before. Why is it suddenly so important for everyone to keep me in check?" He snarled getting in Elena's face.

"Because I don't want you to be what other people think you are." Elena said trying to defend her point. I just shake my head at the doppelgänger.

"What? A monster? Sorry to disappoint you Elena, but last time I check, I was still a vampire!"

"I guess I wish you didn't have to act like one!" She screamed making me scoff. She is as dumb as she looks. I watch Damon get really close to her his tone warning.

"I am not Stefan. How about you stop trying to turn me into him?" He threatened vanishing out of the room leaving behind a spent Elena. I give her a moment of silence before I make my presence known.

"Well that was awkward." I smirked when she turns to me startled.

"What do you want? Here to follow through with you plan?" She bites turning her anger on me. I chuckle rubbing my eyes at the gall of this girl.

"Actually, I am and as of right now the plan doesn't involve you, so I could kill you." I glared at her satisfied when she takes a frightened step back. "Exactly Elena, don't forget who you are talking to, because I am not the Salvatores."

"What do you want?" She questioned looking around the house for anyone.

"Your heart," I laughed out loud when she inhales a breath to scream. "I'm kidding chill out. No I want Bonnie Bennett's address." This brings her up short.


"Give me the address."

"No." She answered stubbornly making me groan.

"Fine." I advanced towards her using my vampire speed to block her path to the door when she makes a run for it. "Ah, Ah, Ah," I reprimand shaking my head. "I wasn't planning on using compulsion considering but-"

"I'm wearing vervain." She stated strongly with fear underlying her words. I got to give this idiotic girl props for trying her hardest to seem fierce, but unfortunately instead she looks like a pup trying to howl for the first time. I grin bending down so I'm in her face.

"Elena. Where does the Bennett witch live?" I watched her pupils dilate before she answered in a robotic tone.

"5473 Oak hill drive." I beam patting her head as I walk away.

"Thank you for your coöperation." I snigger, "I would stay to chat further, but I have a witch to find."


Bonnie Bennett was not having a good night. She just walked home after her conversation with Jeremy and she wanted nothing more than to take a bubble bath and go to sleep. However, the fates had a different idea for the Bennett as her doorbell rang. She bit her lip in contemplation of actually getting it or pretending no one was home. But it could be an emergency so the good girl in her made her way towards the front room. When Bonnie opened the door to say she was surprised would be an understatement. A girl no older than herself stood before her, with hair black as night and eyes that reminded her all too much of Damon's. The girl sent an uneasy feeling down her spine but a comforting one as well. It confused the Bennett to no end.

"Hi, can I help you?" Bonnie asked suspiciously making sure not to invite the stranger in.

"Actually, you can. My name's Alba Martinez," she smiled leaning against the wall. "We need to talk."

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now