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"Alba! Sweetie where are you?" I hear my mother's breathless voice behind me as I giggled running deeper into the woods.

"Come find me mommy!" I scream chancing a glance behind me to find no one in sight. I slowed to a stop my earlier excitement fading fast as I scan the trees. "Mommy?" I whispered my blue eyes instantly filling up with tears. "Mommy!?" I cried out suddenly very aware that I'm all alone now.

"Excuse me," I spun around my heart hammering in my chest at the man who stands in front of me. "Whoa," he said holding up his hands and taking a couple of steps back. "I'm not going to hurt you; I'm only here to help." I stare up at him anxiously my blue eyes finding his green ones. He's clearly in a state of shock as he looks down at me, but I don't know why.

"Who are you?" I sniffled remembering my mother telling me to be a big girl when she's not around.

"My name's Stefan," he said slowly inching forward as I watch his every step like a hawk ready to take off in a moment's notice. "What is your name?" I looked down at my shoes when I answer.


"Alba? That's a very pretty name." Stefan coos bending down so he's looking me in the eyes. "Alba where is your mom?" I instantly started to tear up again as I realized I had no idea.

"I don't know," I sobbed letting the tears fall freely in front of this new stranger. "We were playing a game and I guess I just got lost." I cried harder bringing my small hands to my eyes to shield them from Stefan's view.

"Hey, hey," I feel his hands gently prying my fingers away from my face. "It's going to be okay Alba. I will help you find your mom." Stefan smiled making my bottom lip quiver.

"You will?" I asked hopeful that maybe this stranger would be able to help me. I watch him nod as he stands up allowing me time to wipe the tears from my face.

"Come on I bet I know where your mother is." He nodded his head in front of us beginning to walk in that direction. I bit my lip as I thought about what mommy said about strangers. If you don't know them, don't go anywhere with them. But he introduced himself to me so that technically doesn't make him a stranger anymore, right? I shake my head as I run after Stefan snagging his hand in mine. He looked down at me in surprise when I squeezed his hand tight afraid that if I let go he'll disappear.

"Don't leave me Stefan, okay?" I peered up at him while trying to keep up with his fast pace. I sighed in relief when he nods his head, his face softening as he squeezes my hand back.


And if you have a minute why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

"Ugh! Rebekah pick up your phone!" I growled throwing a pillow in the general direction of the annoying ass phone and it's dead as a doornail owner.

This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now