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It's an odd feeling seeing a thousand-year old hybrid and his ripper hostage drinking so normally in a bar full of humans. Not a single person knows what those two are or what they could do to them. Well, except, for me and I'm just here for observation. I take another shot motioning for the waiter to bring me another one. Klaus just finished telling Stefan of their time in Chicago. It's actually an interesting story and a little…sad.

"Alright everyone drink up! We're closing!" Gloria yells from somewhere in the room as Stefan suddenly stands stating he needs air. I trail him with my eyes as he makes his way across the room to the door. I know he's going to see Damon and the doppelgänger that are foolishly parked right outside. How anyone survives in their little group is beyond me. I return my attention back to the hybrid to find him pouring another drink. Hmm…


Klaus had just finished pouring himself one last drink when the one and only Damon Salvatore sits next to him. A menacing smirk crosses the hybrid's features as a similar smile turns up Damon's lips.

"I see they've opened the doors to the riff raft now," Klaus comments playing with his drink.

"Oh honey, I've been called worse." They sit in silence the tension so thick one could cut it with a knife.

"You don't give up, do you?" Klaus turns his face to stare at the Salvatore. Any sane person would make a run for it at the looks Damon is receiving.

"Give me my brother back…and you'll never have to see me again." Damon points out.

"Well, I am torn. You see, I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so..." he trails off looking around the room.

"What can I say, I'm a thrill seeker." He smirks before Klaus snaps his hand out circling Damon's neck. He lifts him off the ground with ease not even breaking a sweat when he reaches over with his free hand to grab a toothpick. Damon groans when Klaus starts to stab him.

"Oh dear, what was that?" Klaus fakes sympathy as he sticks him again. "I'm a little boozy, so you'll forgive me if I miss your heart the first few times." He sneers repeating the process again. "Ohh no that's not it."

"A little to the left." A feminine voice calls out drawing both the men's attention to the bar. Damon groans when he finds Alba seated on top of the bar eating a handful of peanuts. Klaus smiles in amusement and curiosity as he finds the girl from the woods.

"Here?" Klaus asks positioning it far from Salvatore's heart.

"Perfect!" The girl beams making eye contact with Damon over Klaus's shoulder as he sticks him. Defiance is clear in the girl's eyes and it takes Damon back to a time when he stood in front of his own father with the same look. "Oops missed it again." She sighs, turning eyes back to the original. "Better try again."

"You want a partner in crime? Forget Stefan I'm so much more fun!" Damon squeaks out with the little air he's granted.

"You won't be any fun after your dead." Klaus states tossing Damon to the ground like a rag doll. Klaus swiftly breaks off a chair leg and is just about to stab the Salvatore with it when it catches on fire. He tosses it to the side and looks at Gloria who just entered the bar. "Really?" He questions in disbelief failing to notice that Gloria wasn't the one to set his stake on fire.

"Not in my bar. You take it outside." She places her hands on her hips. Klaus returns his eyes to Damon.

"You don't have to negotiate your brother's freedom, because when I'm done with him. He won't want to come back." He snarls letting the oldest Salvatore up as both men turn to the bar where Alba sat only to find it empty.


When Damon steps out the door of Gloria's I'm quick to fall into step beside him.

"Do you have a death wish or are you just naturally this slow?" I mock using the words he used on me a few nights before.

"What are you even doing here Alba?" Damon snarls not even giving me a second glance.

"I heard Chicago was nice this time of year." I grin when he huffs at my answer. "Also I thought I'd poke some fun at my least favorite vampire…literally." I snicker recalling the toothpick scene.

"Yeah it was a real treat." Damon bites twisting around before we get to his car. "You can leave now." He blocks my view of his car and the doppelgänger inside.

"What? You don't want me to meet the famous Elena?" I mock hurt. "I'm wounded Damon."

"I know you already met her-"

"Actually I saved her life, you're welcome." I respond dryly. He smiles without emotion.

"I don't care if you save every single person on this planet. You will never mean anything to me or anyone for that matter. Let's face it; you are another sarcastic brat with no one." He answers harshly sending a pang through me. I just stare at him as his eyes suddenly flash to my chest before returning to my eyes.

"Damon?" I watch as he turns around to acknowledge the doppelgänger as I disappear into the night.

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now