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"So besides you're in the closet artist status, what other talents do you have?" I questioned cracking the crab leg in my hand to get to the tender meat inside. Klaus managed to get us reservations in the nicest seaside restaurant in Santorini which no doubt means he either A. compelled his way in or B. he paid a very generous amount of money.

"I possess many talents Alba," he said a twinkle in his eye as I catch the innuendo. "But I'm more interested in you." He said putting down his glass of scotch. Yes, Klaus booked us in the fanciest restaurant in town just so he could watch me eat. Am I complaining? No, a woman never complains over free food.

"I thought you might say that," I sighed wiping my hands on a napkin and sitting back in my chair. We are seated outside on the patio away from the hustle and bustle of the staff inside. Luck would have it that we are the only people out here giving us the privacy that I'm sure Klaus bought for us. "So you and I are going to play twenty questions." I smirked when he leaned forward intrigued with my statement. The light from the candle casts a soft glow over his face making him appear younger.

"Alright, I'll go first. Why did you come to Mystic Falls?" Klaus is quick to jump right in as I contemplate just how much to reveal." Ah now come on love, don't hold anything back." He grins liking the fact that he has the upper hand. I glared, but obey knowing I'll get him back for this.

"I came to Mystic Falls in search of Bonnie Bennett." I shrugged taking a big gulp of the liquid fire in my glass.

"Why?" Klaus fired making me grin in amusement.

"Ah, Ah, Ah," I tsk wagging my finger at him. "It's my turn to ask the question. Why are you in such a frenzy to make hybrids?" I asked watching him scoff as he opens his mouth to tell me his cookie cutter answer. "I mean the real reason Klaus…don't hold anything back." I smirked when his jaw visibly clenches as I use his words against him.

"I don't want to be alone." He surprised me by stating bluntly. His face becomes impassive as he asks his next question. "Why were you looking for the Bennett witch?" I gritted my teeth as I look out at the moon as it hangs over the water.

"I needed her help." I don't elaborate and I can see it's really starting to ruffle Klaus's feathers as he huffs sitting back. "Is your fear of being alone the reason you staked your siblings and toted them around in coffins for the last eight hundred years?"

"I staked them for different reasons and I believe it's my turn." He smiled humorless not liking the attention being on him.

"What did you need the Bennett's help for?" He asked curiously changing moods on the drop of dime. I inhaled a long breath as I begin to tell him.

"I needed her help in searching for a cure…for Danny. She's sick and if I don't find one soon she is going to die. I have tried everything else and nothing works even vampire blood." I finish staring down at my empty glass willing it to fill up with more alcohol. There's a moment of silence as I climb out of my hole of pity I've reserved for showers only. "Have you ever wanted to be human again?"

"Never. Why would I want to be a weak pitiful human when I am a god?" He answered haughtily reminding me just how much he needs to be put in his place.

"Because the weak and pitiful humans have more heart and soul than you'll ever possess in all your lifetimes," I told him straight fully aware of the bear I'm poking. I watch hurt quickly flicker across his face before it's replaced with rage. "But there is something that you have that never fails to amaze me."

"What's that?" He growled softly still angry yet intrigued about what I could possibly say. I leant forward so I'm close enough to smell the minty scent of his aftershave over the table.

"You're drive. You know what you want and you go for it. You give it your all and that right there is what will make you great. Not your army of hybrids, not your ability to go from vampire to wolf in seconds. But the way you put your heart and mind behind every decision you make. It's a rare quality Klaus, you're very lucky." I sighed running the napkin through my fingers as I avoided his eyes. As much as I try to be a bitch to the man, there's just something about him I can't stand to hurt.

"Waiter," He's the first one of us to break the silence as he signaled the young man over our table. We wait patiently as he fills our glasses before retreating into the guests inside. "You're wrong you know." I glanced up wearily as it's my turn to be unsure of what is coming. Klaus isn't even looking at me; he's staring into his scotch as it swished around in his cup. "There's never nothing to do when it comes to saving a life." He told me softly his gaze meeting mine. He doesn't look angry anymore, in fact, he looks somewhat content.

"Unless you know of a witch that could help me find a cure then I'm doing what I have to when the time comes." This caught Klaus's attention as he eyes me in suspicion.

"Just what exactly do you plan to do love?" He asked though by the way his mouth is turning into a thin line I think he already knows. I shake my head as I look out over his shoulder to the small ally behind the restaurant. I see different color lights pulsating around a cluster of people as they dance to a sultry music selection. It looks fun enough and as I glance to Klaus's hard face I think this just might be good for him. I smiled as I scoot back from the table ignoring Klaus's raised eyebrow.

"I'm going to dance," I grinned standing up and walking past him, but not before bending down to whisper in his ear.

"Are you coming?" I asked seductively forgetting for a moment who I am and who he is. He looks taken aback for moment before recovering with a secretive grin of his own.

"Wouldn't miss it love," he purred taking the hand I extend to him as he trails me to the group of dancers. I easily slip into the middle swaying my hips to the beat of the drums. It's easy to lose myself to the music especially when Klaus places his hands on my hips from behind. I had no doubt that he would be able to dance and he doesn't disappoint as he falls into sync with me. I reach up and intertwine my fingers behind his neck as I rest my head on his shoulder. It's hard to keep focused when he's this close to me and the way he's moving his hips against mine almost sends me into a frenzy. "You are quite the dancer," he whispered against my ear sending my stomach into knots.

"I'm surprised you can keep up," I tease not expecting the low growl that vibrates deep in his chest. Nor do I anticipate the way his hands tighten on my hips before he spins me gracefully around until I'm flush against his front. He smirks down at me; his blue eyes alight with hunger.

"I believe you will find that there's not much I can't do," he rumbled making me bite my lip at the fire that just blossomed in the pit of my stomach. I watch his eyes fall to my lips when realization dawns on me. I have the original hybrid exactly where I want him. The control freak that always gets his way is completely at my will. This thought alone turns my lips up into a satisfied smile.

"Well," I begin drawing his attention back to my eyes, "there is one thing you can't do." I laugh lightly when he raises an eyebrow grinding his hips a little harder against mine which I meet in challenge.

"What's that sweetheart?" He murmured becoming entranced with my lips once again as he unconsciously bends down towards my face. I gulp at his seductive gaze and the way he licks his lips when he catches me watching. But then I remember I'm Alba Martinez and no one, not even the Original hybrid, will distract me from my plan. A wide grin splits my face as I stand up on my tip toes cupping his rough cheek in my hand as I ghost my lips over his.

"Me." I breathe smirking as I push against his chest and sashay my way down the alley. I don't need to look back to know he's watching me. I can feel his heated gaze lingering on my back while I take large gulps of the crisp night air. I'm not scared of the wrath of Klaus, no, I'm more scared at the fact that Klaus had me just as much as I had him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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