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Three very long and silent hours later we pull on the shoulder of a deserted road. I step out of the car stretching my muscles getting the crick out of my neck.

"Well you are right, this looks like a breeding ground for wolves," Damon sarcastically replies holding his arms out to the empty area.

"Let me ask you something Damon," I say resting my elbows on the hood of the car as I stare at his moody face. "Were you dropped on your head as a child? Or has it been too long for you to remember?" I smile sarcastically when his expression darkens. "Follow me if you think you can keep up." I smirk, flashing into the woods listening to the sounds around me. I can hear Damon behind me along with…

"I don't know why you think you're a lost cause," I glance behind me to see if Damon heard it too. He nods his head as he runs in front of me and veers a sharp left. I follow at a slower pace losing all interest in the doppelgänger and her guardian. "Damon! How are you even here right now!?" Elena screams as I come up behind him to find her in the River. Damon only smirks shaking his head.

"Thanks for the tip, brother." He glances back at Alaric completely disregarding me. Alaric looks at me uneasily but I just shake my head letting him know it's fine; the less people who know about me the better. After Damon and Elena begin to argue I slip into the shadows deciding I'm not needed here. I gave Damon what he wanted there's no reason for me to stick around. I start to run through the trees acknowledging the setting sun in the distance. I wanted to be out of the mountains and a state over before the moon reached its apex, but I can sadly see that's not going to happen.

"Bad news, end of the road for you my friend," I pause as the British accent floats through my ears. I instantly change course heading deeper into the woods my curiosity peaked. Is this a bad idea? Most likely, but my life has been an endless string of bad decisions so why should this be any different? I stop when I reach the outskirts of what I assume to be the wolves camp site. Except I don't see any wolves only people in a zombie like state as they move around in slow circles blood pouring out of their eyes. "Bloody hell," I snap my head up when I hear the voice again. I find that it belongs to a man standing in the middle of the mess. From here I can see he has a head full of dirty blond curls and a lean body that is mere seconds away from ripping a wolf's heart out. Ah so this must be the infamous Klaus. You know I thought he would be…bigger. I start to turn intent on letting him handle this when I spot a wolf creeping up behind him. Its fangs are out and its eyes yellow from where Klaus tried to turn him. I growl when I feel myself wanting to help the original. So instead of leaving like a normal self-preserving human I flash in front of the wolf and plunge my hand into his chest.

"Sorry about this," I smirk ripping his heart out and throwing it on the ground at my feet. I hold up my bloody hand in distaste as I turn around to come face to face with the hybrid himself.

"And who might you be love?" He asks intrigued his ocean blue eyes shining with interest. I can feel the power radiating from him as he takes a step closer. I smirk flashing behind him and snapping one of the werewolf's necks with swift precision.

"I am the girl who is saving your ass right now," I watch surprise flicker in his eyes before it's replaced with amusement.

"Oh is that so?" I place my hands on my hips and nod. If I want to get out of here alive I have to keep his interest and stay strong. He smiles the dimples in his cheeks briefly distracting me before he disappears. I frown, whipping around at the groan behind me to find Klaus ripping a wolf's heart out and tossing it behind him. "Because I think I'm the one saving your life love." I raise an eyebrow at his cocky attitude.

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now