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"Alba can't you just stay home with me tonight?" Danny asked from the couch where she'd curled up with a book. I gave her a look as I slip into the only pair of converses I own.

"I can't tonight Danny," I grumbled throwing on my leather jacket over the simple black v-neck I'm sporting.

"Why are you so grumpy? You've been in a foul mood ever since the Lockwood party." She scowled sinking further into the couch hurt flashed briefly in her eyes. I sigh, coming over to fall right on top of her. "Get off of me!" She yelled out playfully shoving my shoulders.

"Not until you promise to stay inside tonight." I mumbled into her shirt as I hug her close to me. Ever since my conversation with Bonnie I've been in nothing but a bad mood. Luckily for the small town of Mystic Falls I've been spending these last few days scouring the internet and every piece of literature I own.

"What's going on tonight? Wait let me guess vampire business." Danny sighed, clearly irritated, as she looked toward the door with defeat etched on to her beautiful face.

"Actually, senior prank night," I said pushing myself up from the couch as I head for the door.

"Really? You're going to senior prank night?" Danny questioned raising an eyebrow in disbelief at the prospect of me participating with my fellow classmates in pranking a bunch of teachers.

"Yep," I choose to leave out the part about the Witch, Bonnie. Danny is still unaware to the reasons of our move to Mystic Falls and I intend to keep it that way.

"Well…good!" I felt a slight of guilt at the excitement in Danny's voice. "It's about time you did something that doesn't involve the supernatural. I hope you have fun….oh put tacs under the teachers chair! That's always a good prank." She beamed at her own suggestion.

"My, my, Danielle Elizabeth Martinez," I tsk'd crossing my arms leaning against the door. "Where did you learn such devious things?" In response to my teasing she smiled sweetly picking up her book.

"Around," she shrugged biting her lip to hide the smirk. I laugh shaking my head.

"Good night Danny!" I yell slamming the door behind me as I walk to my mustang. As of right now, I'm late which means I only have so much time to pester the Bennett witch. To say our conversation the other night didn't go so well would be an understatement.

"Hi, can I help you?" Bonnie asked the suspicion clear in her eyes.

"Yes you can. My name's Alba Martinez," I smirk leaning against the outside of the door. "We need to talk."

"I'm sorry I don't understand." She shook her head confusion evident in the way she's staring at me.

"I need your help, well, more like I need your special set of skills." I rose an eyebrow when she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She denied making a small smile turn up the corners of my lips.

"You don't have to lie Bonnie. You and I," I said tapping a finger against the outside of my thigh once, "are similar." I grin when her eyes widen at the way every piece of furniture on the porch is now levitating in the air.

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now