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There are exactly three things I'm aware of when I step foot into party central. One, Danny is passed out at home and I'm here babysitting a bunch of kids…again. Second, that despite popular belief in Mystic Falls, a bonfire is never just a bonfire and lastly I heard that seniors get free booze. I smile widely when that rumor turned into fact as I catch sight of a keg. I weave my way through the mass of bodies gyrating against each other as they slop beer on themselves and their partners.

"So you're into Tyler now. That's kind of fickle." I heard and saw Stefan talking to Rebekah as I draw nearer to the booze. Of course, he would be where the beer is, god forbid someone grabbed a drink without the ripper getting one as well.

"When you're willing to give me the time of day again, then we'll talk. Until then, a girl has needs." She answered haughtily taking a long pull from her cup.

"I second that." I point at her as I pour myself a cup full of poorly made beer. This a school event, damn it, where's the good stuff?

"What are you doing here? This isn't exactly your scene." Stefan asked his smile less than friendly.

"I could ask you the same thing Ripper," I paused taking a sip of my drink, "but then I remember you're Klaus's little bitch now. Tell me something Stefan, when you disobey does he spank you with a rolled up newspaper?" I kept eye contact with the vampire even as Rebekah snorted into her beer as she tried to contain her laughter.

"You know Alba," Stefan began leaning forward in a threatening way. "I may only be here to protect Klaus's blood bag, but he never said anything about not draining a few teenagers along the way." His eyes are cold and calculated, eerie in a mindless robot kind of way. I lean forward even more so he and Rebekah are the only ones that can see my face.

"Stefan, I would like to see you try." I growled letting my eyes darken as the wind picks up speed momentarily, causing the party to pause at the random gust of wind. However, it's done before it even started and I manage to get the desired effect to leave Stefan thinking over his next actions. I meander my way over to the bonfire and take a seat off to the side. It's the perfect spot for me to observe, but not be seen. I watch Stefan being completely cold towards the doppelgänger while she tries to act drunk. Most likely it's her and the gang's plan to get Stefan vervain'd and chained up in the Salvatore basement. If it works I will be greatly surprised. I see Damon trying to distract the original with his charms, but he doesn't quite have what it takes now that he's finally closing in on the doppelgänger. I do get a kick out of Rebekah stabbing him with her marshmallow when she figures out his true intentions.

"Why are they trying to distract me?" Rebekah demanded to know as she takes the empty seat beside me.

"They are trying to kidnap Stefan. So, they can have an intervention on him." I turned to her scowling face. "They are trying to get him to turn his emotions back on."

"That's impossible; he won't have his emotions until my brother wants him to." She answered annoyed as I shrug.

"I wouldn't worry too much about them. Even if they manage to vervain him there's no way he'll be stuck in that basement for more than a day or two. The only thing these people are good at is getting other people killed with their actions." I said lifting my head just in time to catch Damon's furious eyes as he leaves the party. Well chalk that up to another failed relationship.

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now