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Jeremy was sitting on the couch about to light the pot in his hand when Matt plops down in the chair next to him.

"Where did you get that?" Matt questions eyeing the joint in the younger Gilbert's hand in envy.

"Henry from the kitchen sold me a dime," Jeremy responds before Matt plucks the pot from his hand and lights it himself.

"So what's got you on your spiral downward? I'm sure it's a lot more interesting than mine." Matt states bitterly taking a long puff.

"You do not wanna know." Jeremy exhales his breath leaning back into the cushions. His face holds the lost expression of a man who has no idea what to do with his predicament.

"How bad can it be, I already know everything else," Matt points out handing over the joint to Jeremy, "go for it."

"You know I died right? And Bonnie used magic to bring me back?" Jeremy takes a puff as he sees Matt nod.

"Yeah, Elena told me," he responds his face turning into a stony mask.

"The thing is ever since I've come back…I've been seeing things." Jeremy tells Matt not sure how to tell him that Matt's dead sister is one of the things he's been seeing.

"What kind of things?" Matt questions both oblivious to the arrival of the new girl.

"Most likely something from baby Gilbert's past." Jeremy jumps at the girl as she smirks deviously at him and Matt. "When a spell like that is cast, it takes a toll on the person. For a few minutes you were dead meaning that your mind was vulnerable for that amount of time. You should really tell your girlfriend." She informs whipping her hand out so fast neither of boys know what she's doing until she has the joint between her lips. They watch as she takes a long drag her icy blue eyes losing some of their awareness for a split second.

"Who are you?" Matt asks not sure whether to be afraid of this girl or invite her out to dinner. She smiles a condescending smile as she shakes her head of curls. It reminds Matt all too much of Damon.

"Not an enemy…but not a friend either." She bluntly states turning her attention back to Jeremy. He fidgets under her intense gaze wondering how she knows who he is. "You should really tell your witch about what you're seeing. We wouldn't want her to get jealous now would we?" The girl raises an eyebrow a knowing yet beautiful smile gracing her plump lips. "Have a nice night boys." She bids farewell before walking out the door passing Caroline and Elena who are oblivious to her departure.

"Oh…the stoner's den. Buzzkill." Caroline looks around the study and its inhabitants in distaste until she spots Matt and Jeremy.

"Jeremy," Elena says in a disapproving tone. He doesn't even acknowledge her as him and Matt stare at the seat the mystery girl had previously occupied.

"What is up with you guys? Oh wait I know," Caroline shakes her head at the boys.

"Was it just me," Jeremy begins looking back to a shocked Matt, "or did she look exactly like Damon?"

She sits comfortably on the couch her legs crossed as she watches Damon shuffle into the den. He goes straight for the alcohol cabinet where she already helped herself to a glass of scotch.

"Parties over kid go home." His bored tone does little to hide the warning that lingers in the air if she doesn't leave. She doesn't move as she takes a sip of her alcohol. "Did all that alcohol kill your brain cells or are you just naturally this slow?" Damon replies finally looking up from his drink to find her. He looks tired and…hopeless.

"Damon Salvatore," she smiles tauntingly, "what a pleasure it is to finally meet you. Tell me how is the search for baby brother going?" She knows it's wrong to poke the bear, but she can't help it. So she's not surprised when he flashes over to her and looks down at her menacingly.

"I don't know who you are, but I suggest you leave right now." He warns making her grin grow wider. He doesn't even see it.

"Can't," she responds taking a sip of the alcohol liking the way it leaves a trail of heat down her throat. "I have business to take care of and I need a Bennet's help. You wouldn't happen to be in possession of one would you?" She tilts her head to the side knowing that he does. She watches his eyes studying her calm features before he pushes up and sits on the couch across from her.

"And why would you need a Bennets help?" He asks lazily taking a long pull from his drink.

"That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot," she smirks making him pull up short. That sounds like something he would say. He sits up resting his elbows on his knees as he studies her further. Her hair is black and falls in curls down to the middle of her back and her eyes are like glaciers similar to his own.

"Who are you?" He asks curiously wondering how this girl who can't be any older than Elena knows about Stefan.

"Alba Martinez," she replies as he rolls his eyes.

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" He questions mentally going through faces in his mind. Although he highly doubts he has met this girl, she seems like one to leave an impression.

"It should," she smirks downing the rest of her scotch, "because I'm your daughter."

bet y'all weren't expecting thaat ^^

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now